Understanding PeopleSoft Lease Administration Security

PeopleSoft applications use the capabilities and flexibility of multilevel security to provide a solution to security issues. PeopleSoft Lease Administration provides security at the row level, lease approval, and roles and permission lists.

Security rules enable you to establish which security events can be performed on transactions independent of any specific user until such time as you apply the rules to a user or users. For example, you can create one security rule to enable access to payables or receivables leases, lease entry, amendments, and inquiry. You can create a different security rule that enables only lease entry and maintenance for a particular user (lease entry clerk). After you define your security rules, you can assign these rules to a specific user ID or all the users and roles assigned to a permission list.

Note: The content of this section is only a part of what you need to know to secure your system. Other relevant information is located in the PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals documentation.