Capacity Planning

PeopleSoft Resource Management provides Information Technology (IT) and development organizations with capacity planning functionality to empower managers who make important demand commitment decisions based on limited resources or capacity information. This functionality evaluates demand for labor resources that you capture in projects, and demand that you capture from external sources and import through an Excel-to-Component Interface utility, and compares it to available Resource Management resources.

Strategic Capacity Planning (SCP) is primarily concerned with long-term projections and decisions up to two years. Operational Capacity Planning consists of tactical or immediate resource load projections for a period of one day up to six months.

To fully use the SCP functionality from demand, PeopleSoft Program Management and Project Costing must obtain demand from projects. Demand is obtained from projects and external demand, and not from service orders.

By managing with SCP, you can:

  • Create and join a supply and demand forecast that highlight future resource gaps and gluts.

  • Perform what-if scenario analyses to find the optimal mix of demand and supply.

  • Plan resources to resolve future resource imbalances.

OCP provides pool managers, resource managers, and program managers with these tools to overcome day-to-day operational challenges:

  • Operational analytics that provide information on total, assigned, and remaining available capacity for resources.

  • Supply categories to classify resources more interchangeably.

  • Generic resource allocation to reserve pool capacity.

  • The ability to transfer resource assignments to other available resources.