Understanding Resource Profile Maintenance

The resource profile captures an inventory of a resource's qualifications and preferences to calculate the resource's fit scores. The profile also provides general employee data, such as contact information, weekly work days, or assignment restrictions.

The foundation for a resource's profile is the employee or non-employee data (such as employee ID, name and contact information, and qualifications) that is stored in the employee source database. Information about the resource, such as flexible resource attribute values and work experience, is also maintained in the resource profile.

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses:

  • Use of resource profiles.

  • Resource profile design.

You must establish employees and non-employees as resources in PeopleSoft Resource Management before you can work with their resource profiles.

See Understanding Resources.

Resource profile maintenance is typically the responsibility of the resource manager and the resource. The unique security specifications for each PeopleSoft user role determine whether a user can modify only the user's own profile or view and modify other resource profiles. You can control the list of roles with permission to modify resource profiles.

This table lists the folder navigation paths that access the resource profile:



Resource Management, Maintain Resource Profiles, My Profile

Used by resources to view and modify their own profile information.

Resource Management, Maintain Resource Profiles, Profiles

Used by resource managers or other users with appropriate access to view and modify a resource's profile.

Resource Management, Maintain Resource Profiles, Review Profiles

Used by staffing coordinators or other users with appropriate access to review a resource's profile.

The appearance of the Resource Profile component depends on the navigation path that you choose and the resource profile display options that are established in the Profile Display Options group box on the Installation Options - Resource Management page during implementation. The resource profile that appears when you view your own profile is the profile that is associated with your user login. To access profile information for other resources, you can select the profile by looking up the resource's name or employee ID.

Personal data and qualification information is maintained in the employee source database. If you integrate with Human Capital Management (PeopleSoft HCM) and you select a link to update qualification information that is stored in the employee source database, you access the appropriate PeopleSoft HCM pages by using the Single Signon feature. The information in PeopleSoft Resource Management data tables is updated in near real time.

If the Financials database is the employee source database, then the qualification records can be modified in the resource profile pages that are discussed in this topic. You can modify other information in the resource profile that is maintained specifically for PeopleSoft Resource Management if your user ID is associated with a role that has the appropriate security access.

Qualifications in PeopleSoft HCM

If PeopleSoft HCM is the source database for the competencies, interests and other qualifications in a resource profile, then you can update and save qualification data in the Person Profile component (JPM_PERSON_PROFILE) in the PeopleSoft HCM system and return to the resource profile in PeopleSoft Resource Management. An application message sends the data from PeopleSoft HCM to the Financials database.

When a user selects an update link from the resource profile, if the resource has more than one profile type in PeopleSoft HCM Profile Management, then the Select Profile Type page opens in HCM. You must select the Person profile type to integrate the PeopleSoft Resource Management profile with the PeopleSoft HCM profile. The Profile Details page opens so that you can modify the qualification details in PeopleSoft HCM.

When managers update other types of user profiles, they access the Person Profile component (JPM_PERSON_PROFILE) in PeopleSoft HCM.

See PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 documentation: Manage Profiles, "Managing Profiles," Maintaining Profiles.

During PeopleSoft Resource Management implementation on the Resource Setup - Common Installation Options page, you determine the competency evaluation type that appears in the resource profile and is used by Resource Matching. Available evaluation types, such as Self, Supervisor, and Mentor, are based on the translate values in the Evaluation Type field (EVALUATION_TYPE) properties. The default value is Self. The resource profile shows only the latest competency evaluation.

For the competency information in PeopleSoft HCM to update the resource profile in PeopleSoft Resource Management, the evaluation type in PeopleSoft HCM must match the evaluation type that is selected during Resource Management implementation. If the evaluation type that the PeopleSoft Resource Management system uses is different than the evaluation type in PeopleSoft HCM, the competency information that appears in the resource profile may not match the competency information in the resource evaluation in PeopleSoft HCM. For example, if you use the Supervisor evaluation type in PeopleSoft Resource Management and you use the Self evaluation type in PeopleSoft HCM, then changes to the self evaluation in HCM are not reflected in the resource profile.

Note: The PeopleSoft HCM profile can store many different evaluation types. If you modify the evaluation types that are available for selection in PeopleSoft HCM, also modify the evaluation types in PeopleSoft Resource Management to keep the two databases synchronized.

See PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 documentation: Manage Profiles, "Setting Up Profile Management," Defining Instance Qualifiers.

See PeopleTools documentation: System and Server Administration, "Using PeopleTools Utilities," Using Administration Utilities, Translate Values.

Qualifications in PeopleSoft Resource Management

If the Financials database is the employee source database, select the Add/Update link for the Competencies and Interests region of a resource profile to access the appropriate pages for updating this information in the Financials database.

If competency change notification workflow is enabled in the Resource Setup - Common Installation Options page, then the system sends an email notification to the resource manager who is defined in the Job record (JOB) when qualifications are modified in the resource profile. This workflow applies only if you use the Financials database as the employee source database for the resource.

Employee Source Database Tables

This table contains the categories of information in the resource profile and the tables that store the source data.

If you use PeopleSoft HCM as the employee source database, application messages send resource profile data from the HCM database to the corresponding table in the Financials database. Corresponding table names in the two databases may not be identical.

Resource Profile Category

Employee Source Database Tables

Objective: A brief description summarizing the resource's work objectives and background.

Objective information is stored in the Objective field (WORKER_SUMMARY) in the Resource Management Worker Table record (RS_WORKER_TBL).

Objective information is stored only in the Financials database.

Areas of specialty: The competencies or competency categories that are a resource's strengths or areas of expertise.

Specialty values are stored in these database tables:

  • Resources' specialties are stored only in the Financials database in the Worker Specialties record (RS_WRKR_SPECS).

  • Valid competency values are stored in the Competencies Table record (COMPETENCY_TBL) in the Financials database or in the Content Items record (JPM_CAT_ITEMS) in the HCM database.

  • Competency types are stored in the Competency Types record (RS_TYPE_TBL) in the Financials database or in the Content Group Type record (JPM_CAT_GROUPS) in the HCM database.

Work experience: Any type of work that the resource has performed. It is updated automatically each time a resource receives a new assignment. It can also be updated manually. This category includes resumé attachments.

Work experience information is stored only in the Financials database in the Worker Table record (RS_WORK_HISTORY).

Resumé document attachments are stored on the File Transfer Protocol file server. Information about the attachments, such as employee ID, description, and default resumé flag, are stored only in the Financials database in the Resource Management Attachments record (RS_ATTACHMENTS).

Qualifications: A resource's competencies and accomplishments.

Competencies and interests are stored in these database tables:

  • Resources' competencies are stored in the Person Competencies record (COMPETENCIES) in the Financials database or in the Profile Items record (JPM_JP_ITEMS) in the HCM database.

  • Valid competency values are stored in the Competencies Table record (COMPETENCY_TBL) in the Financials database or in the Content Items record in the HCM database.

  • Resource evaluation types are stored in the Person Competency Evaluation record (RS_EVALUATIONS) in the Financials database or in the Profile Items record in the HCM database.

  • Review rating values are stored in the Review Ratings record (REVW_RATING_TBL) in the Financials database and the HCM database.

  • Rating model values are stored in the Rating Model record (RATING_MDL_TBL) in the Financials database and the HCM database.

  • If you use Financials as the employee source database, competency types are stored in the Competency Types record (RS_TYPE_TBL).

    If you use PeopleSoft HCM as the employee source database, PeopleSoft Resource Management displays competency information from the Worker Competencies View record (RS_WRKR_COMP_VW). This view is restricted to show only the latest evaluations of competencies. The evaluation type that appears, such as Self, Peer, or Supervisor, is specified on the Resource Setup - Common Installation Options page.

    Important! Do not include a rating for the same competency in more than one evaluation with the same effective date. For example, if you rate the Expertise competency in one self-evaluation, do not include the Expertise competency for a different self-evaluation for the same resource with the same effective date.

Values for education, licenses and certificates, language, professional memberships, honors and awards, and tests are stored in these database tables:

  • Resources' qualifications are stored in the Person Accomplishments record (ACCOMPLISHMENTS) in the Financials database or in the Profile Items record in the HCM database.

  • Valid qualification values are stored in the Accomplishments Table record (ACCOMP_TBL) in the Financials database or in the Content Items record in the HCM database.

Preferences: A resource's individual preferences for assignments; can include flexible attributes that are defined by the organization.

Preferences are stored only in these Financials database fields and tables:

  • Maximum travel distance is stored in the Distance field (DISTANCE) in the Worker Table record (RS_WORKER_TBL).

  • Resources' preference attribute IDs and value IDs are stored in the Flexible Worker Preferences record (RS_WRKR_PREFS).

  • Resources' attribute preferences are stored in the Attributes record (RS_ATTRIBUTES).

  • Valid values for each resource preference attribute are stored in the Attribute Values record (RS_ATTRIB_VALS).

General information: A resource's address, phone numbers, job information, passports and visas, weekly work days, home airport, assignment restrictions, and other resource attribute values.

Address and job information are stored in these database tables:

  • If you use the Financials database as the employee source database:

    • Resource names, addresses, and personnel status are stored in the Personal Data record (PERSONAL_DATA).

    • Name and address effective dating information is stored in the Effective Dated Personal Data record (PERS_DATA_EFFDT).

  • If you use PeopleSoft HCM as the employee source database:

    • Personnel status is stored in the Person Record record (PERSON) and sent to the Personal Data record in the Financials database.

    • Personnel status effective dating information is stored in the Effective Dated Personal Data record (PERS_DATA_EFFDT).

    • Resource names are stored in the Person Names record (NAMES) and sent to the Personal Data record and the Effective Dated Personal Data record in the Financials database.

    • Addresses are stored in the Addresses record (ADDRESSES) and sent to the Personal Data record and the Effective Dated Personal Data record in the Financials database.

  • Job information is stored in the Job record in the Financials database and the HCM database.

  • Email addresses are stored in the User Email record (PSUSEREMAIL).

Note: General information that is stored in PeopleSoft HCM must be maintained in PeopleSoft HCM. These values cannot be updated directly in the resource profile.

Passport and visa information are stored in these database tables:

  • Passport information is stored in the Passport record (CITIZEN_PSSPRT) in the Financials database and the HCM database.

  • Visa information is stored in the Visa Data record (VISA_PMT_DATA) in the Financials database and the HCM database.

Phone information that is used by PeopleSoft Resource Management is stored only in the Financials database in the Worker Phone record (RS_WRKR_PHONE).

Weekly work days that are used by PeopleSoft Resource Management, home airport, and assignment restrictions are stored only in the Financials database in the Worker Table record (RS_WORKER_TBL).

Resource qualifications can include flexible attributes defined by the organization. Flexible resource qualification information is stored only in the Financials database.

This list describes the source data for each flexible resource qualification field:

  • The resource's qualification attribute ID and value ID are stored in the Financials database in the Attribute ID and Value ID record (RS_WRKR_AT_VAL).

  • Valid values for each flexible resource qualification attribute are stored in the Financials database in the Attribute Values record (RS_ATTRIB_VALS).

  • The flexible qualification attributes are stored in the Financials database in the Attributes record (RS_ATTRIBUTES).

Resource profile (summary): A single, display-only page.

The sections that appear are selected on the Installation Options - Resource Management page during implementation.

Supply categories (Additional Resource Information):

Additional resource information is stored only in the Financials database.

  • Project role and region are stored in RS_WORKER_TBL.

  • RS_WRKR_POOL_VW is used to get the resource pool information.