Defining Bank Transfer Charges

This topic discusses how to define bank transfer charge amounts and charges for a bank.

Page Name

Definition Name


Bank Transfer Charge Code Page


Define a set of bank charge amounts in the Bank Transfer Charge table. Set up bank charge amounts according to the bank account of the addressee and the range of payment amounts.

Bank Transfer Charge Page


Define the bank charge code according to the interbank or intrabank remittance.

Use the Bank Transfer Charge Code page (BCH_CHARGE_CD) to define a set of bank charge amounts in the Bank Transfer Charge table.

Set up bank charge amounts according to the bank account of the addressee and the range of payment amounts.


Banking > Banks and Branches > Bank Transfer Charge Code

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bank Transfer Charge Code page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bank Transfer Charge Code page

Field or Control


From Amount

The From Amount and To Amount fields display the range of payment amounts. From Amount is a read-only field that increases the to amount value of the previous line by one. If, for example, the to amount in line 1 is 39,999, and the from amount in line 2 is 40,000 (39,999 + 1).

To Amount

Enter the highest payment amount that you want to include in this range. The system automatically enters the maximum value, if you leave this field blank.

Charge Amount

Enter the amount of the bank transfer charge to be deducted when the payment amount falls into the range between the from amount and the to amount.

Use the Bank Transfer Charge page (BCH_BANK_CHRG) to define the bank charge code according to the interbank or intrabank remittance.


Banking > Banks and Branches > Bank Transfer Charge

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bank Transfer Charge page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bank Transfer Charge page

The Bank Transfer Charge table contains a set of bank transfer charge codes whose exact amounts are defined by the destination of the remittance. Essentially, the bank transfer charge amount is defined by the relationship between the payer's bank account and the payee's bank account. When the remittance is made within the same bank, the charge is usually lower.

Field or Control


Inter / Intra Code

Displays the relationship between the location of the payment bank account and the destination of the remittance. Options are:

Same bank and same branch: Payer's bank account and payee's bank account are both located in the same branch of the same bank.

Same bank and different branch: Payer's bank account and payee's bank account are both located in the same bank but in different branches.

Different bank: Payer's bank account and payee's bank account are located in different banks.

Note: There must be one bank charge code defined for each of these three values.

Bank Charge Code

Enter the code that is defined on the Bank Transfer Charge Code page to specify the bank transfer charge amount corresponding to the inter/intra code. You can reuse the same bank charge code.

Example: The bank transfer charge is 200 when the payment amount is between 0 and 39,999 (inclusive), and the bank transfer charge is 400 when the payment amount is 40,000, or more if the payment bank (defined on vouchers) and destination of remittance (supplier bank account) are different.

This table displays a summary of the bank transfer charge amounts, based on bank transaction types:

Transaction Type

Bank Transfer Charge

Bank Transfer Charge


For payment amounts of 0 to 39,999:

For payment amounts of 40,000 and above:

Intrabranch transaction

(the same bank and branch)



Intrabank transaction

(the same bank but different branches)



Interbank transaction

(different banks)