Running the Product Price Extract Process

This section provides an overview of product prices and discusses how to run the product price extract process.

Note: The process must be run before product list prices can be updated using the list price maintenance functionality.

Page Name

Definition Name


Product Price Extract Page


Establish the selection criteria and the effective dates for exporting price data, and the currency and unit of measure conversions. These values are needed to support product prices in multiple currencies and orderable units of measure when using price maintenance.

Depending on the cost method used for the item cost of the product, the costs are retrieved from separate tables. This table outlines where item costs are stored. If the item is noncosted, then any product ID associated with that item is not downloaded.

Cost Method

Table Where Data is Stored









Retroactive Perpetual Average


The Product Price Extract stores the product list price and cost information in the OM_PROD_COST table. The extract performs a unit of measure and a currency conversion. Cost data is stored in a standard unit of measure for that item. The products can have ordering units of measure that are different than the stocking units of measure. Cost data is adjusted according to the unit of measure conversion rate. You can determine the unit of measure/conversion rate of an item that can be ordered by querying view INV_ORDR_UOM_VW, or you can view the item Unit of Measure page. In addition, products can be ordered in multiple currencies different than that of the item's cost, which is stored in the base currency of the PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit. To have cost data that is meaningful, it is converted to the product list price currency. The product list price currency is stored in the PROD_PRICE table, or you can view it on the Product Price page.

For a product ID and its associated costs to be downloaded, these relationships must be present:

  1. The product ID must have a product list price specified, and the price must fall within the Product Price As of Date supplied on the Product Price Extract page.

  2. If the product ID is associated with an item, then that item must have a cost specified and the cost must fall within the Product Cost Effective Date supplied on the Product Price Extract page.

    Note: Noncosted products are downloaded with a zero cost.

  3. If the product ID is not associated with an item, then the product ID must have a product price with both a list price and unit cost specified, and it must fall within the Product Price As of Date supplied in the Product Price Extract page.

Example: Effective-Dated Price Records

Product 10001 has five active price records with these effective dates:

  1. 1/01/2001

  2. 1/01/2002

  3. 7/01/2002

  4. 1/01/2004

  5. 7/01/2004

The current date is used as the default. The system exports the price with the maximum effective date that is less than or equal to the Product Price As Of Date. In this case, it would be price number 3 (7/01/2002). If you want to export price number 4 (1/01/2004), you must change the Product Price As Of Date to any value between 1/012004 and 6/30/2004.

Note: You will never be able to export prices in the first and second scenario because the selected date must be greater than or equal to the current date.

Use the Product Price Extract page (OM_PPRC_RCNTL_PNL) to establish the selection criteria and the effective dates for exporting price data, and the currency and unit of measure conversions.

These values are needed to support product prices in multiple currencies and orderable units of measure when using price maintenance.


Products > Request Processes > Product Price Extract

Field or Control


All Inventory BUs (all Inventory business units)

Choose to update the prices for products in all warehouses. The system downloads price information for non-inventory products, such as services and product kits, in addition to those products stocked in warehouses.

Select Inventory BU (select Inventory business unit)

If you choose to run the process for individual business units, enter or click the Search button to select them.

Select Pricing Product Group

Use to further restrict the data downloaded by specifying a product group after selecting the option. The only groups available are those designated as Pricing product groups. Select All Products to include products assigned to product groups as well as those that are not.

Note: Products may belong to multiple pricing product groups. You can only update the price of the product as part of a single product group, that is, the one that appears in bold on the spreadsheet. The system uses the group you designate as the primary pricing product group on the Product Group page. If you do not designate a primary group among multiple groups, then the system uses the first one it encounters.

Product Cost Effective Date

Select the date to use as the effective date for the new updated prices. The comparison of product cost to product price is a critical consideration when you update price information. If you are updating prices that will take effect at a future date, they should be compared to commensurate cost information. Consider the following example.

The current date is 8/08/03. You want to download the current list prices as the basis for the calculation of new prices that will become effective on 1/01/04. To determine what those prices will be, you want to compare them to the product cost as of 1/01/03. You will enter a Product Cost Effective Date of 1/01/03. The system downloads current price information along with the product cost in effect on 1/01/03.

Note: The system uploads rows with changes in the price, cost (non-inventory products only), MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price), and effective date. Because the minimum New Eff. Date (new effective date) allowed on the price maintenance spreadsheet is the current date plus one day, selecting the current date as the Product Cost Effective date requires a new effective date for any rows in the spreadsheet that you want uploaded.

Product Price As Of Date

The current date is the default. You must select a date that is greater than or equal to the current date. Only prices with a status of Active may be exported. You can maintain several sets of list prices in the system keyed by effective date.

Note: List prices will not be downloaded if an item cost and its associated product price record do not exist. In the case of a nonstock item, only a product price record must exist. The most common reasons for a nonexistent record are incorrect selection criteria or the record was not established in the database.

Rate Type

Established on the Market Rates Type page.

Currency Effective Date

The current date is the default. This date will determine what currency values to use when converting cost prices from their default value to the currency of the product list prices.


Click the Run button after establishing selection criteria. After the cost extract has run successfully, product price information can be updated using the list price maintenance spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.