Setting Up Product Group Tables

To define the product group table, use the Product Group (PROD_GROUP_TBL) and alternate cost adjustment exceptions (PRGR_PRICE_EXCP) components. Use the PROD_GROUP_TBL_CI component interface to load data into the table for this component.

The section discusses how to set up product group tables and enter alternate cost adjustment information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Product Group Table Page


Establish the Product Group table and define product group codes.

Alternate Cost Adjustment Exceptions Page


Define alternate cost adjustment exceptions for this product group code.

Use the Product Group Table page (PROD_GROUP_TBL) to establish the Product Group table and define product group codes.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Products > Product Group Table

To define the product group table, use the Product Group component. Use the PRODUCT_GROUP_TBL_CI component interface to load data into the table for this component.

You may also want to include products in product catalogs by groups instead of individually.

After establishing the product group table, link products with any number of product groups on the Product Group page.

Note: Only one contract product group can be associated with an individual product.

Field or Control



Select if you want all products included in this product group. If you select this option, a product is included in this group even if you have not specified its inclusion on the Product Group page.

VAT Default (value-added tax default)

Click to access the VAT Defaults Setup page. This option is available only for VAT product group types.

The VAT Defaults Setup page is a common page used to set up VAT defaulting for all PeopleSoft applications processing VAT transactions. On this page you can define product defaults as applicable.

VAT Service Treatment Setup

Click to access the Services VAT Treatment Drivers Setup page. This option is available only for VAT product group types.

The Services VAT Treatment Drivers Setup is a common page used to set up VAT services treatment for all PeopleSoft applications processing VAT transactions. If you are required to implement special handling for services, you can specify product service treatment defaults on this page as applicable.

Pricing Option

Select an option to determine whether the product or product group selling price can be adjusted using margin manipulation. This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing.

KVI (known value item): Designated product groups for which the selling price cannot be reduced or increased.

NDP (nondiscountable product): Designated product groups for which the selling price cannot be decreased, but can be increased.

Note: If during interim adjustments, the price of a NDP item has increased, then it can be discounted in subsequent calculations until it reaches the original price.

Regular or blank: The product group is neither NDP nor KVI.

Margin Base

Used to identify the basis to apply adjustments. Values are:

Cost: Use this option to base the cost on the unit cost.

Alternate Cost: Use this option if you base the cost on an additional charge. For example, you might increase the cost by 5 percent to include the cost of commission.

This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing.

Alternate Cost Adjust % (alternate cost adjustment percent)

Add a value for the percentage to apply to the unit cost to derive an alternate cost. This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing,

Do Not Adj. For Alternate Cost (do not adjust for alternate cost)

Select if you do not want the product (or product group) to be adjusted by a different cost. This field appears only if the product group type is Pricing.

Use the Alternate Cost Adjustment Exceptions page (PGRP_PRICE_EXCP) to define alternate cost adjustment exceptions for this product group code.


Click the Alternate Cost Adjustment Exceptions link on the Product Group Table page.

Note: This page is available only if an adjustment cost factor is specified or the Do Not Adjust check box is selected.

Field or Control


Business Unit Product

Select an exception for the product business unit for either the ship from Inventory business unit or the Order Management business unit. You might charge more for a ship from location that is further away or charge more for a PeopleSoft Order Management business unit that sells more of a product group.

Business Unit

Select from the available options based on the selection in the Business Unit Product field.

Adjustment Percent

Enter an amount for the adjustment.

Note: If two conflicting override values exist, the higher of the two values is used. For example, you might have the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit adjustment factor as 20 percent and the Inventory business unit as 18 percent. The system would use the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit value in this example.