Staffing Front Office Reports: General Descriptions

This table lists the PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID. This topic includes:

  • Customer reports.

  • Order reports.

  • Assignment reports.

  • Agenda reports.

  • Employee reports.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


New Customers

Provides a list of new customers within the range of dates specified. Displays the customer name, address, the date they became a customer, the sales person, and the service person.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > New Customers



Active Customers

Provides a list of active customers. Displays customer name, address, sales person, and service person.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Active Customers



Customer Credit

Details credit information for new customers. Displays customer name, ID, date they became a customer, risk code, credit limit, credit limit date, next credit review date, credit dispute status, and collection status.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customer Credit



New Customer Accounts

Details projected hours, billing, and career placement fees for new customer accounts within the date range specified. The results are grouped by month, sales user, and SetID

Staffing > Reports > Customers > New Customer Accounts



Customer Estimated Billing

Provides the customer name, address, and estimated billings for assignments with start dates within the date range specified. The results are grouped by sales user and SetID.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customer Estimated Billing



Customer Sales

Displays the customer name, estimated billings, estimated billing percent, and estimated margin for assignments with start dates within the range of dates specified. The results are grouped by sales user and SetID.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customer Sales



Customer Assignment Mix

Summarizes by service area (line of business) and customer the estimated hours, estimated billings, and career order income for assignments with start dates that fall within the range of dates specified. The results are grouped by sales user and SetID.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customer Assignment Mix



Inactive Customers

Identifies customers who have not placed an order since a specified date. Displays the customer name, address, date of last order, number of orders, sales person, and service person.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customers Without Orders



Call Summary

Details customer communications that are classified as call reports. Displays the customer name, date of the call report, contact name, and contact method. The results are grouped by agenda operator ID.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customer Call



Quality Assurance

Prints customer quality feedback information for a particular date range. Displays the appraisal information and the specific feedback details. The results are grouped by staffing branch and service user.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Quality Assurance



Customer Feedback Survey

Generates survey forms that are sent to customers to evaluate employees.

Staffing > Reports > Customers > Customer Feedback Survey


Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Career Placement Summary

Lists information about the career placements that have an assignment start date within the date range specified. Information printed includes the employee name, customer name, final salary, actual fee percentage and amount, order contact, and the position title. The report is organized by staffing branch, customer ID, and service user.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Career Placement Summary



Temporary Orders

Lists the order ID, order type, customer name, order start and end dates, total number of assignments, job code, order bill and pay rates, estimated weekly hours, and estimated weekly billings for temporary orders created within a particular date range. The results are grouped by operator ID and staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Temporary Order Report



Unfilled Orders

Lists the customer name, order ID, order duration, quantity of people needed, quantity of people short, job code, estimated total hours, estimated hours short, and estimated lost income for orders that are currently unfilled. The report is organized by staffing branch and by service user. For career orders, total hours and hours short do not apply and will have values of zero. Also, estimated loss for career orders is based on the maximum potential placement fee multiplied by the quantity of people short.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Unfilled Orders Report



Last Order Placed

Lists the customer name, count of orders, date last order placed, start date of last order placed, and person who placed the last order. The report is organized by staffing branch and order service user.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > View Last Order Placed



Career Orders

Lists the order ID, order type, department, customer name, job title on the order, fee schedule code, date fee scheduled was signed, guarantee days, minimum and maximum salary, and fee information for career orders created within a particular date range. The results are grouped by operator ID and staffing branch. This report only shows career orders that have one or more candidates assigned to it and a fee schedule specified.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Career Orders


Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Employee Assignments

Lists the employee name, national ID, address, phone, and total assignment count for employees belonging to the primary staffing branch specified.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Employee Assignments



Completion Reason Analysis

Summarizes by assignment the completion reason code, assignment count, and percentage. Selects all assignments meeting the parameters that have an actual end date between the dates provided. The results are grouped by the service user.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Completion Reason Analysis



Pending End Dates

Lists employees who are in assignments where the assignment estimated end date is less than or equal to the date parameter provided in the report. Results include customer name, supervisor, supervisor phone, employee name, and estimated assignment end date. The report is organized by staffing branch, customer, and service user.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Pending End Dates



Active Assignments

Lists the customer ID, name, job code, start and end dates, bill and pay rates, estimated hours, and estimated billings for assignments that have a start date before or equal to the start date parameter and end date greater or equal to the end date parameter. Results are grouped by staffing branch and service user.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > Active Assignments



New Assignment Bill and Hire

Lists all assignments that started within the date range specified. Displays customer name, employee name, estimated billing amount, pay rate, bill rate, estimated weekly hours, and estimated gross profit. The report is organized by staffing branch, customer, and service user.

Staffing > Reports > Orders and Assignments > New Assignment Bill and Hire


Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Current Agenda Listing

Lists open agenda items within the date range provided for the specified user. Shows the customer name and phone, contact name and phone, employee name and phone, agenda item date and time, and the agenda event type.

Staffing > Reports > Agenda > Current Agenda Listing


Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Missing or Expired I-9

Displays the name, emplID (employee ID), national ID, I-9 completed date, employment eligibility proof, and alt. doc. expiration date (alternative documentation expiration date) for applicant and employee records where required I-9 information is either missing or expired as of the date specified. The results are grouped by staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Missing or Expired I-9



New Employees

Provides the name, address, employee ID, personnel status, recruiting source, and hire date of employees whose records were created within a particular date range. The results are grouped by staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > New Employees



Inactive Employees

Provides the employee ID, name, address, personnel status, and employee status of employees who are classified as inactive. The results are grouped by staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Inactive Employees



Recruiting Source Analysis

Provides a pie chart plus a list of the total number and percentage of employees, by recruiting source, within a particular date range. The results are grouped by staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Recruiting Source Analysis



Active Employees

Provides the name, address, employee ID, country, personnel status, and department of currently active employees and applicants. The results are grouped by staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Active Employees



Employee Assignment Summary

Lists employees with temporary assignments active as of the date specified. Displays the employees, the count of assignments per employee, the average assignment pay and bill rates for the employee, and the average margin. The results are grouped by staffing branch and operator ID.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Employee Assignment Summary



Assignment Count by Department

Lists a count of assignments, assignment percentages, average bill rate, average pay rate, and average margin. The report is organized by employee primary staffing branch, employee primary user ID, and order department.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Assignment Count by Department



Employee Availability

Lists the name, employee ID, phone number, and competencies of employees who are available within a particular date range. The results are grouped by staffing branch.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Employee Availability



Employee Feedback Survey

Generates the survey forms sent to employees to evaluate customers.

Staffing > Reports > Resources > Employee Feedback Survey