Staffing Front Office Web Libraries

This table lists the web libraries that are used and delivered with Staffing Front Office:

Web Library Name



PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office web library.


Generates PeopleSoft Integration Broker functions.


This is the record behind the page for the enterprise integration point (EIP) Web Services Description Language (WSDL) generation.


Contains the following five fields with FieldFormula iScript PeopleCode, each of which relate to a functional area of the portal:

PORTAL_HOMEPAGE: Support for homepage runtime interaction, including the homepage version of the menu navigation.

PORTAL_NAV: Main support routines for navigation.

PORTAL_HEADER: Support for the header portion of the page and some generic routines.

PORTAL_DYN_TEMP: Support for the dynamic template.

PORTAL_PGLT_PREV: Support for the pagelet preview functionality.


Contains iScripts for the menu pagelet and left-hand navigation for transaction pages.


Contains iScript for the Run report to window output option. Supports access to the new page.