Understanding Job Board Integration Setup

It is important to perform the high-level steps in this order:

  1. Define recruiting sources.

  2. Create a source category for recruiting.

  3. Create a cross-reference.

  4. Create setup values for mapping.

To define recruiting sources:

  1. Access the Recruiting Sources page

    Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Staffing > Resources > Setup Staffing Recruiting Src

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. Select Job in the Recruit Source Category field.

  4. Enter the names of job boards to which you want to integrate.

  5. Click the Savebutton.

To create a source category for recruiting:

  1. Access the Recruiting Source Category page . Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Staffing > Resources > Define Recruiting Source Codes

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. Enter Job in the Recruit Source Category field.

  4. Enter a description and short description.

  5. Click the Save button.

To create a new cross-reference for job boards:

  1. Access the Define Value Maps – Elements page Enterprise Components > Integration Definitions > Transformation Framework > Define Value Maps.

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. Enter JOBBOARD_XREF in the Map Name field.

    Note: JOBBOARD_XREF is a suggested map name.

  4. Select Cross-reference (dynamic) in the Map Type field.

  5. Click the Add button.

  6. On the Elements page, in the Assign Elements to Maps section, enter the element names from the source domain system (Job Board Distributor) and the Target domain System (PSFT

  7. Select the Domains tab.

  8. In the Assign Elements to the Domain section specify the element names under each domain name to map from the source domain to the target domain.

  9. Click the Savebutton.

See additional documentation for: Defining Value Maps

To create setup values for mapping:

  1. Access the Open Integration Framework – Mapping Setup Values page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Staffing > Integration Suppliers > Define Mapping Values).

  2. Select the JOBBOARD_XREF map in the search field.

  3. In the Mapping Setup section enter these values:

Recruiting Source






