Viewing Order History

The Order History page contains a record of the interactions that have occurred between you and your customers and that you have previously logged in the system. The system generates a history item when a user completes an agenda item and when the user clicks the Add History buttons and links throughout the application. Only the history items that reference the current order ID appear on this page.

This topic discusses how to view order history.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review History Page


View a summary of past events related to an order that were saved automatically by the system or manually by a user.

History Detail Page


View details of an order history transaction.

Use the Review History page (FO_HISTORY) to view a summary of past events related to an order that were saved automatically by the system or manually by a user.


Staffing > Orders and Assignments > Review Order History

Use this page to view the transactions associated with a particular order.

Click the View History button at the end of a row to view history details for the item.

Use the History Detail page (FO_HISTORY_DTL) to view details of an order history transaction.


Staffing > Orders and Assignments > Review Order History > History Detail

The layout of the history page is the same for all types of history records.