Enabling and Defining Intrastat Reporting

To enable and define Intrastat reporting, use the VAT Entity component (VAT_ENTITY_ID). Use the VAT_ENTITY_ID component interface to load data into the tables for the VAT Entity component.

Note: The Enabling and Defining Intrastat Reporting topic provides information about Intrastat reporting and the functionality that PeopleSoft provides to facilitate Intrastat reporting. It is not to be construed as tax advice nor is it intended to document all the ramifications of reporting for Intrastat. Please consult your tax professional to insure your full compliance with the laws and regulations dealing with Intrastat transactions and Intrastat reporting.

This section discusses how to enable and define Intrastat reporting.

Page Name

Definition Name


Intrastat Reporting Details Page


Enable Intrastat reporting for a VAT entity, and establish Intrastat report criteria.

Use the Intrastat Reporting Details page (VAT_ENT_ISTRPT_SEC) to enable Intrastat reporting for a VAT entity, and establish Intrastat report criteria.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > VAT and Intrastat > Value Added Tax > VAT Entity > Identification

Click the Intrastat Report Details link on the Identification page.

Field or Control


Intrastat Reporting Required

Enables Intrastat reporting. If you deselect this check box, you don't have to complete any other fields on the page.

Reporting Currency

Defines the currency, which must match the currency that the receiving customs organization requests.


Refers to the level of information (obligation) that intracommunity sales and purchases require. This information is used mainly in France to reduce the declarative workload for small- and medium-sized organizations. PeopleSoft delivers the Intrastat form with the most restrictive level (level 1), which covers all levels of obligation. This is an informational field that determines the level that is checked on certain Intrastat reporting forms.

Contact Name

Names the person in your organization that can be contacted by local authorities to answer questions about a submitted Intrastat report.

Process Type

PeopleSoft delivers reports with many process types, the following are the most commonly used process types:

  • Application Engine: For adding the IDEP_INT process.

  • SQR Report: For adding the IST0100 process to create the CSV file for the United Kingdom.

  • BI Publisher Report: For adding the ISTX0050S process to create the Intrastat Form N.

If you create your own reports, select the appropriate type of process for those reports.

Process Name

Determines the form or process that the system uses for Intrastat reporting.

File Layout ID

Produces a flat file that you can use to interface with the Intrastat Data Entry Package.