Loading Market Rates

To load market rates from a flat file to PeopleSoft tables, set up your parameters on the File Inbound page, then run the load process from the Inbound File page. Some of the field values on these pages are specific to loading market rates.

File Inbound Page

Field or Control



Must be Active.

File Layout ID

Leave blank.

LUW Size

Leave blank.

Program Name

Name of a utility that your organization would like to include when loading market data, such as a utility that sends a file over email or that copies and renames a file for an archive.


Section of a utility that your organization would like to include when loading market data, such as a utility that sends a file over email or that copies and renames a file for an archive.

Create Message Header


Create Message Trailer


Inbound File Page

Field or Control


File Identifier

Enter the same file identifier that you used to define the market rate load on the File Inbound page.

Note: Use the Market Rates page to verify that the market rates were loaded correctly.