Printing and Viewing Intrastat Reports

This section discusses how to view Intrastat report details and print Intrastat reports.

Page Name

Definition Name


Intrastat Reports Page


Print a draft or final copy, or reprint a copy of an Intrastat report from an Intrastat Report Extract.

Detail Page


View the report criteria, print history, and any exceptions for the instance that you select on the Intrastat Reports page.

Use the Intrastat Reports page (IST_RPT_INST1) to print a draft or final copy, or reprint a copy of an Intrastat report from an Intrastat Report Extract.


VAT and Intrastat > Intrastat > Returns and Output Files > Intrastat Reports

Field or Control


Print Selected Report As

Print options include:

Draft: Incomplete.

Final: Complete. Don't print a report in final form until it is free of errors.

Reprint: Print another copy of a final report.

VAT Entity and Country

Enter the VAT Entity and Country for which you wish to print an Intrastat report. Click on the Refresh button to bring up a list of all report instances for that VAT Entity and Country.


Select the check box to the left of the report instance that you want to print. The flow, description, report date, and type appear.


Accesses details for the report instance.

Note: When you use the final form, define the output type as printer. The web output type may cause the headers and footers of the file to print outside the page's printing range.

Use the Detail page (IST_RPT_INST_DTL) to view the report criteria, print history, and any exceptions for the instance that you select on the Intrastat Reports page.


VAT and Intrastat > Intrastat > Returns and Output Files > Intrastat Reports > Details

The Intrastat Reports page displays the report criteria, history, exceptions, and missing exchange rate information for the selected instance.

Note: You can't print a final Intrastat report until you correct all transaction errors.

If a transaction is missing required information, it appears here. For example, if the second digit of the nature of transaction code is required, and a transaction doesn't include a value in the 2nd Digit field, a Reporting Exceptions entry appears. The Message field displays Missing Nature of Transaction 2 Code. Enter missing information on the Intrastat Transaction Entry pages.

After correcting the errors, delete the report from the list, then run the extraction again to clear the errors.

Note: You can't delete a process instance after printing a final version of the report.