Loading Staged Item Data Using the Item Master EIP

This topic discusses how to run the Item Loader process.

To load item master data by using an item master EIP:

  1. Process the item data.

    A third-party system can send item data using these Item Master EIPs:



  2. Run the Item Loader process (IN_ITMLOAD) either manually or from the subscription process.

  3. Review errors.

Page Name

Definition Name


Item Loader Page


Run the Item Loader process to validate data in the Item Loader staging tables and update the PeopleSoft master data tables.

Use the Item Loader page (RUN_IN_ITMLOAD) to run the Item Loader process to validate data in the Item Loader staging tables and update the PeopleSoft master data tables.


SCM Integrations > Process Transactions > Items > Item Loader

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item Loader process page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Item Loader process page

Using the parameters that are defined on the Item Loader page, the Item Loader process:

  • Validates the item records in the Item Loader staging tables.

  • Logs any errors that it finds.

  • Updates the master data tables with the valid item data.

Records with invalid data remain in the Item Loader staging tables with an Error status. You can edit them online by using the Data Definition Maintenance pages.

After correcting the data errors, you can rerun the Item Loader process to populate the master data tables with the corrected item records.

Note: If you anticipate receiving large numbers of item records, manually schedule the Item Loader process to avoid peak processing times.

Warning! Use extreme care when updating the master data tables, especially when modifying existing item data. The Item Loader process cannot be reversed.

Item Loader Parameters

Field or Control


Item Load Type

Select the staging source of the records in the Item Loader staging tables that you want to load to the master data tables:

Item Export: Select to process item data that is extracted to the staging tables by the Catalog Maintenance Extract process. Selecting this option enables the Template ID field.

Item Fullsync: Select to process item data that is staged with the Item Master service operation ITEM_FULLSYNC.

Item Load From Excel: Select to process item data that is staged with the Excel interface.

Item Mfg GPO: Select to process item data that is staged with the GPO Load service operation ITEM_MFG_GPO_LOAD.

Item Pricelist: Select to process item data that is staged with the Item Price List service operation ITEM_PRICELIST_LOAD. Select this option to load item and price data from PeopleSoft eProcurement staging tables, including CUP and xCBL files.

During the load process, the system retrieves the item ID based on the supplier item ID, manufacturing item ID, or the UPN ID keys provided in the message and converts the external UOM to the PeopleSoft UOM using the XML Mapper setup.

The system sets only one UOM for the item supplier as a default value when multiple default UOMs are provided in the message, when the default value already exists in the staging table, and when a UOM has not been set as a default value.

Item Sync: Select to process item data that is staged with the Item Master service operation ITEM_SYNC.

All Item SetIDs

Select to load item records with any SetID attribute. If you do not select this check box, enter a value in the SetID field to restrict the loading process to a specific SetID. This field is not available when you select Item Export in the Item Load Typefield.

Template ID

Enter the Catalog Maintenance Template ID when you have chosen the Item Export option in the Item Load Type field.


Select to load item records with any EIP control ID attribute that is associated with the transaction that is specified in the Item Load Type field. If you do not select this check box, specify a range of EIP control IDs in the From and To fields.

All Message Instances

Select to load item records with any publication information that is associated with the transaction that is specified in the Item Load Type field. If you do not select this check box, then you should specify a publication node and ID.

Market Code

Select the type of market codes to use for the loaded items: User Defined or UN/SPSC (United Nations Standard Product and Services Codes). Use the Item Categories component to establish user-defined market codes.

Item Template List ID

Select a configurable item template to be used for the loaded items. This field is only used if no item template list ID was provided by the source data in the Item Loader staging tables. This field does not override an item template list ID from the source data.

See Using Configurable Item Templates with the Item Loader Process.

Purge Cancelled Transactions

Select to purge item records that are marked for cancellation in the staging table. The records that are selected for purge must also meet the other criteria that you have set for the process.

Only Run Validation portion

Select to run only the data validation portion of the process. This feature enables you to check the data for errors before updating the master data tables. Correct any errors by using the Data Definition Maintenance pages.

Re-process any Errors in Range

Select to reprocess any item records in error that meet the criteria that you have set for the process.

Re-process any Hold in Range

Select to reprocess any item records with a Hold status that meet the criteria that you have set for the process.

Note: You must select the Re-process any Hold in Range check box to process item records that are staged with the Item Price List service operation ITEM_PRICELIST_LOAD. This is because when the item Price List Load process loads Item Price List EIP data to the item loader staging tables, it inserts new item records with a Hold status.

Update Standard Price

Select to update standard prices when an item/supplier UOM price record is loaded. This field is available only if Item Pricelist is selected in the Item Load Type field. Future effective-dated prices will not go into effect until the Item Price List Batch Load (PO_ITMLOAD) process is run on or after the effective date.

Update Business Unit Price

Select to update standard prices for the business unit when an item/supplier UOM price record is loaded. This field is available only if Item Pricelist is selected in the Item Load Type field. If the Item Pricelist field is selected, the new price is applied to all business units that match the SetID and item combination and that have the Business Unit Update Price check box selected on the BU Specific Attributes (business unit specific attributes) page. Future effective-dated prices will not go into effect until the Price Update process is run on or after the effective date.