Using Device Tracking

This section discusses how to:

  • Select items for device tracking.

  • Receive tracked devices.

  • Access tracked device distribution information.

You can use device tracking with PeopleSoft Purchasing to view device tracked items throughout the procurement cycle. You can track both inventory and non-inventory items by selecting them in the item master. At the time of receipt, you can also track items that are ordered by description only.

An item that is designated for device tracking must be lot controlled, serialized, or both. If you select an item for tracking that is neither serialized nor lot controlled, you receive an error message. You can disable device tracking for an item in the item master at any time. The device tracking option appears for users during the procurement process.

You can use device tracking to:

  • View and override information that is used to put items into PeopleSoft Inventory storage locations.

  • Review tracking information during the procurement process.

Two reports are provided specifically for tracked devices. One displays tracked devices from the item master; the other displays tracked items that are received.

Reviewing Tracked Item Information

If an item is selected for device tracking, the Device Tracking check box is selected; otherwise, the check box is deselected. The Device Tracking check box appears on these pages:

  • Line Details (REQ_LINE_DETAILS).

  • Line Details (PO_LINE_DTLS).


  • Receiving (RECV_WPO).

  • Request for Quotes (RFQ_HDR).

  • Line Details (REQ_INQ_LINE).

  • Receipts (RECV_INQ).

  • Request for Quotes (RFQ_HDR).

  • Device Tracking Inquiry (RECV_INQ_DEVICE).

Note: You can select or deselect the tracking option only on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Displaying Device Tracking Information on Reports

You can produce these reports with device tracking information displayed:


Process Name


Device Tracking Master List

IN Device Tracking Item List (INS9030)

Displays device-tracked items, filtered according to the parameters that are selected.

See PeopleSoft Item Reports.

P/O Receipt Device Tracking

Device Tracking Receipts (PORC930)

Displays device-tracked items that are received.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Item - Inventory Tracking/Description Page


Select an item for device tracking and establish or maintain item descriptions and lot-control attributes.

Receiving Page


Create receipts for non-PO and PO line items.

Device Tracking Page


Review distribution information for a tracked device and assign serial IDs or lot IDs.

Use the Define Item - Inventory Tracking/Description page (INV_ITEMS_DEFIN2) to select an item for device tracking and establish or maintain item descriptions and lot-control attributes.


Items > Define Items and Attributes > Define Item > Inventory

Select the item that you want to track.

  1. Select the Device Tracking check box.

  2. Save the changes.

    Note: You can only select items for tracking that are lot-controlled, serial-controlled, or both.

Use the Receiving page (RECV_WPO) to create receipts for non-PO and PO line items.


Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts

Field or Control



Indicates whether the receipt line is serial controlled. The check box is selected and unavailable for serialized items. If you are receiving a description-only PO line (no item ID) and the Device Track check box is selected, you can select the serial option. (You can also select this check box if the item is ordered using the description only and the line is asset related.) For serial-controlled items, you must enter the serial ID at the time of receipt or putaway or during any inventory movement transaction.

Note: Do not select the Serial check box for items that are only lot-controlled.

Field or Control


Device Track

Indicates whether a receipt line is device tracked. The default value is selected and unavailable for device-tracked items unless they are description-only (no item ID). The field is available for items that are description-only. Select to device track items that are description-only.

DT Details

Click to access the Device Tracking page.

Use the Device Tracking page (RECV_WPO_DEVICE) to review distribution information for a tracked device and assign serial IDs or lot IDs.


Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts

Click the DT Details button in an item row.

Field or Control


Insert Non-Serial Row button

Click the Insert Non-Serial Row button to split out the quantities to different lots or putaway locations. This generates another putaway row for the same inventory business unit. You must reduce the earlier putaway quantities for this unit if you split a putaway. The total putaway quantity for this unit must match the total quantity that you accept.

Cancel Row button

Click the Cancel Row button to cancel the selected row of the distribution line.

Distribution Information

Field or Control


Assign Serial IDs button

Click the Assign Serial IDs button to access the Generate Serial Number page, where you can assign serial ID numbers to the selected receipt items. This page is accessible only if the related item is serial-controlled.

Lot ID button

Click the Lot ID button to access the Generate Lot Numbers page, where you can assign a lot ID to a lot-controlled item. This page is accessible only if the related item is lot-controlled.

Note: Do not generate lot IDs for device-tracked items. Instead, enter the supplier-assigned lot ID in the Lot/Batch field or the Supplier Lot field.

Field or Control


Sel (select)

Select to work with a particular line item.

Dist Seq (distribution sequence)

Identifies the putaway row number that is associated with the specific distribution line.

IN Unit (inventory business unit)

Identifies the inventory business unit for the distribution. For non-PO receipts, this value is supplied by default from the ship-to location. For PO receipts, this value appears by default from the PO distribution.


The status of the receipt line.


Enter a serial ID. This field is available if the Serial Control check box is selected on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page, or for items that are ordered by description if the Device Track and Serial check boxes are selected on the Receiving page.


Enter a lot ID. This field is available if the Lot Control check box is selected on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page, or if the Device Track check box is selected for description-only items on the Receiving page. The value that you enter becomes the default for the Supplier Lot field.

Supplier Lot

Enter a supplier-assigned lot ID. This field is available only if the Lot Control check box is selected on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Expire Dte (expire date)

Enter the expiration date for the lot ID. This field is left blank if the item is a non-inventory receipt line (subcontract, expense only, or an asset-only interface receipt). The date here is unavailable for change if the item's lot ID is assigned an expiration date. If the item's lot ID does not have an assigned expiration date, the item's shelf life value (if greater than zero) is added to the receipt date to calculate the expiration date. This expiration date value is available for override. If no shelf life value is entered for the item, you are required to enter one.