Application Fundamentals Reports: General Description

Use this table to find general information about PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals reports.

Note: You may see both of the terms XML Publisher (XMLP) and BI Publisher, depending on the version of your PeopleTools installation and the bundle version of your application. As of PeopleTools 8.52, references to XML Publisher (XMLP) have changed to BI Publisher. This does not denote a change to the reports; only the naming convention has changed.

See Managing ChartFields for Reports.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


AP Operator Profile

Displays Payables User defaults by SetID. For each user, the default values for Business Unit, SetID and Origin as well as Supplier and Voucher Processing Authority display.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > User Preferences > AP User Preferences Report



Tax Authorities Report

Displays tax authorities by SetID. For each tax authority, the authority code, name, effective date, percentage and ChartField values appear.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Sales and Use Tax > Authorities Report



Tax Codes Report

Displays tax codes by SetID. For each tax code, a description, tax type, VAT reference, tax calculation information, taxing authority, effective date, and tax percentage appear.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Sales and Use Tax > Sales and Use tax Code Report



Accounting Entry Template

Displays available accounting entry templates and shows template name, effective date, type, description, account, department, product, and project.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Accounting Entry Templates > Template Report



ChartField Project

Displays steps to configure a ChartField to individual needs. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > Run CF Config Steps Report



Cross/Reciprocal Rate Calc

Displays the cross rates calculated for selected currency exchange rates. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Market Rates > Calculate Market Rates



Installation Options (BI Publisher)

Displays the contents of the PeopleSoft Installation Table, which contains system-wide parameters used by the applications. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Install > Installation Options Report



Detail Calendars (BI Publisher)

Displays information about detail calendars, including a description as well as a listing of the periods you have defined for the calendar. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Calendars/Schedules > Detail Calendar Report



TimeSpans (BI Publisher)

Displays the TimeSpan definitions for a SetID, including a description and information about the start year, start period, end year, and end period. The report also shows whether the TimeSpan includes forward balances and closing adjustments. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Calendars/Schedules > Print TimeSpans Report



Account Types (BI Publisher)

Displays all the account types, including the long and short descriptive name, and indicates whether the system carries forward the balance for that account type. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > Define Acct Type



Statistics Units of Measure (BI Publisher)

Displays a standard, portrait-style report of the contents of the Statistics Units of Measure table. The report also contains the unit of measure and description. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Units of Measure > Units of Measure Report



User Preferences

Displays the values you enter for system users on the User Preference page. The User ID, business unit, SetID, ledger, source, and as-of date also display. These are the default settings that appear on the pages and reports used by each user. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > User Preferences > User Preferences Report



List of Valid SpeedTypes (BI Publisher)

Displays a valid list of SpeedTypes. A SpeedType enables you to enter shorthand keys to trigger a system expansion into pre-specified values for one or more fields on a page. For each SpeedType, the report prints a description, the User ID or class, and associated values for account, department, product, project, and statistics code.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > SpeedTypes > Run > Process Scheduler Request > and select BI Publisher: List of Valid Speed Types



Journal Sources

Displays valid journal entry sources. Source codes describe the origination of journal entries or the party responsible for generating the journal, define special processing, and make financial transactions easier to identify and report. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Journals > Print Journal Source Report



Valid General Ledger Accounts (BI Publisher)

Displays the valid general ledger accounts by SetID. For each account, the report prints a description, short name, and the account type. Shows if the account is a statistical account and if so, what unit of measure is used. If the account contains open items, lists their descriptions as well as the edit record and field that apply. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Account



Valid Department Codes (BI Publisher)

Displays valid department codes by SetID. Prints the department ID and its description, along with each department manager's name. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Department



Valid Product Codes (BI Publisher)

Displays valid product codes by SetID. Prints the product ID and its description, in ascending order by ID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Product



Valid Project IDs (BI Publisher)

Displays valid projects by SetID. For each project, prints the description, manager's name, and the project start and end dates. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Project



Valid Statistics Code (BI Publisher)

Produces a standard portrait style report that show the contents of the Statistics Codes table. Displays the code along with a description, the standard unit of measure, and the ledger update method. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Statistics Code



Record Groups (BI Publisher)

Displays tables by the record group they belong to. Displays a description and table name for each record group ID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Reports > Print Record Group List



Valid Set IDs (BI Publisher)

Displays a short and long description of each SetID valid on a specific date. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Reports > TableSet IDs



Table Set Controls

Displays the record groups associated with the TableSet you specify, including the field names and values you enter at the system prompt. Displays the trees designated for that TableSet. For each record group, shows the ID, description, SetID, and SetID description. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Reports > TableSet Controls



Valid General Ledger Business Units

Displays a list of business units that are valid as of a specific date. For each business unit, prints a description of the unit, and the default as-of date. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Reports > Print General Ledger BU list



Ledgers for a Business Unit

Displays information about the ledgers that you have defined for a business unit. Shows information about each ledger, including type, ledger, definition, SetID, date of last update, and whether the ledger is balanced. Also shows open accounting periods, the adjustments year, and journal error handling options. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Reports > Run Ledger for a Unit Report



Detail Ledger Definition (BI Publisher)

Displays general information about detail ledgers. Includes a description, error handling options, accounting periods, record names, and a listing of the ChartFields associated with the ledger. (BI Publisher)

General Ledger > Ledgers > Detail Ledger Report



Detail Ledger Template Definition (BI Publisher)

Displays the records and fields included in detail ledger templates. (BI Publisher)

General Ledger > Ledgers > Print Ledger Template Infor



Valid Budget Reference (BI Publisher)

Lists all valid Budget Reference ChartField values in a SetID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Report, Select Budget Reference



Scenario (BI Publisher)

Lists by SetID the current active budget scenario. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Scenario



PS/nVision Reports (BI Publisher)

Displays the PS/nVision reports for selected business units. Each report shows the ID, description, layout, scope ID, scope description, business unit, last run date, as-of date type, as-of date, tree date type, and tree date. (BI Publisher)

General Ledger > General Reports > nVision Request by SetID



PS/nVision Scopes (BI Publisher)

Displays the details of each PS/nVision Scope definition. (BI Publisher)

General Ledger > General Reports > Create nVision Scope Rpt



Valid Operating Units (BI Publisher)

Displays the valid operating units for a selected SetID. For each SetID, it shows the operating units, their description, their status, and the effective date of the status. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Operating Unit



Valid Alternate Account (BI Publisher)

Displays the valid Alternate Accounts for a SetID. For each alternate account, the report prints a description, account type, if it has open items, if it's a statistical account, any control flags, the current effective status and, its effective date. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Alternate Account



Currency Codes (BI Publisher)

Displays information about a currency, including code, effective date, description, symbol, country, and decimal point. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Currency > Currency Code Report



Alternate Account Cross Reference

Displays accounts with corresponding cross-referenced alternate accounts, by SetID and Effective Date. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > Alt Acct Cross Reference



Chartfield 1 (BI Publisher)

Displays the valid values for a selected SetID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Chartfield 1



Chartfield 2 (BI Publisher)

Displays the valid values for a selected SetID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Chartfield 2



Chartfield 3 (BI Publisher)

Displays the valid values for a selected SetID. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Chartfield 3



Valid Fund Codes (BI Publisher)

Displays a list of all valid fund code ChartField values. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Fund Code



Valid Program Codes (BI Publisher)

Displays a list of all valid program code ChartField values. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Program Code



Valid Class (BI Publisher)

Displays a list of all valid class ChartField values. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > select Class Field



Journal Types (BI Publisher)

Displays the various Journal Types defined on the Journal Types page for a particular SetID. Includes descriptions for each Journal Type and indicates whether they are sequenced by Document Type or Journal Code. Related to Document Sequencing. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Document Sequencing > Journal Type Report



Journal Codes (BI Publisher)

Displays the various Journal Codes defined on the Journal Codes page for a particular SetID-Journal Type combination. Includes descriptions for each Journal Code, as well as Sequence Range and Sequencing Type information. Related to Document Sequencing. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Document Sequencing > Print Journal Code Report



Document Types (BI Publisher)

Displays the various Document Types defined on the Document Type page for a particular SetID-Journal Type-Journal Code combination. Includes descriptions for each Document Type, as well as Sequence Range and Sequencing Type information. Related to Document Sequencing. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Document Sequencing > Document Sequencing Type Rpt



Document Sequence Ranges (BI Publisher)

Displays the detail range(s) defined on the Document Sequence Range page for a specified Sequence Range. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Document Sequencing > Print Sequence Range Report



ChartField Attribute Report

This report lists all or a selected list of ChartFields and their associated attributes, attribute descriptions, and attribute values. (SQR)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > Print CF Attribute Report



Message Log Report

Prints message logs for a process instance ID and batch report type, similar to the online query available for each background program. Displays job ID, program name, date, time, sequence number, logged message, and explanation for each process instance ID. (SQR)

Background Processes > Business Process Log Rpt



Journal Entry

Displays all journal entries entered in the system for a business unit and ledger within the date range specified. Prints the journal entries in ascending ID order within the ledger and shows the journal date, the source, whether a reversal entry was created, journal status, posted date (if any), and a description. For each line included in the journal entry, lists the line number of the entry, the account number, a description, the department, product, and project ChartField values, and debit and credit detail. Also prints statistical information where included in a journal entry. (SQR)

General Ledger > General Reports > Print Journal Entry Detail



Reconciliation by System Source

This report consists of detailed subsystem and GL journal transactions that are aggregated to the business unit, subsystem source, ledger, account or alternate account, fiscal year and accounting period level. For example, it lists the data at the system source level, such as AP, and then lists all the activity for AP, including what was posted and not posted, for one or more selected ChartFields that appear in the data that you loaded. (SQR)

General Ledger > General Reports > GL Reconciliation Subsystem > Reconciliation by System Srce (source)



Reconciliation by ChartField

This report lists the data based on one or more selected ChartFields that appear in the data that you loaded. Each of the subsystem amounts that fall within the ChartField combination is listed on the report along with the total amounts for the ChartFields and the related ledgers. (SQR)

General Ledger > General Reports > GL Subsystem Reconciliation > Reconciliation by ChartFields



Ledger Codes (BI Publisher)

List Ledger Codes with associated Book Code and provides description. (BI Publisher)

General Ledger > Ledgers > Ledger Codes Report



Adjustment Types (BI Publisher)

By SetID, displays current active Adjustment Type ChartField values. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Adjustment Type



Book Codes (BI Publisher)

By SetID, displays current active Book Codes. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Book Code



Balancing Groups (BI Publisher)

Display all Balancing Groups and describes whether they are active or inactive and shows the default balancing group. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials /Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Reports > ChartField Reports > Account Balancing Group



Journal Entry Template Report (BI Publisher)

Displays Journal Entry Templates by the security applied that is available to a user. (BI Publisher)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Journals > Journal Entry Template Report. Click the Run button, then select Process Scheduler Request, and select BI Publisher: Journal Entry Template



Inconsistent ChartField on Combination Editing (BI Publisher)

Displays inconsistencies between the Set ID of the Combination Editing ChartFields and Business Unit Set Control value.

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Combination Editing > Inconsistent ChartField Report > Inconsistent ChartField on Combination Editing Report



ADB Processes Report (BI Publisher)

Lists ADB calculation details, including averaged period, date, and time. (BI Publisher)

General Ledger > Average Daily Balance > ADB Calculation Report



Allocation Group (BI Publisher)

Lists detail information that is associated with a particular allocation group. (BI Publisher)

Allocations > Reports > Print Allocation Group Report