Defining Process Group User Preferences

To define process group user preferences, use the User Preferences - Process Group component (OPR_DEFAULT).

Page Name

Definition Name


User Preferences - Process Group Page


Specify, by source transaction, the process groups a user can use for on-demand processing.

Each user must be assigned access to a process group to use it for a particular type of transaction.

For Payables, you assign the process groups for each of these source transactions for defined users to enable on-demand processing functionality:

  • Complete Register Voucher (REGISTER).

  • Mass Payment Cancellation v1 (APMASSCNL).

  • Mass Payment Cancellation v2 (APMASSCNL2).

  • Matching Exception (MTCHEXPTN).

  • Matching Override (MTCHOVRD).

  • Payment Cancellation (PYMNCNCL).

  • Payment Escheatment (PYMNESCH).

  • Quick Invoice (QUICKVCHR).

  • Voucher Close (VCHRCLOSE).

  • Voucher Entry (VOUCHER).

  • Voucher Maintenance (VCHR_MAINT).

  • Voucher Mass Maintenance Close (VCHMASSCLS).

  • Voucher Mass Maintenance Delete (VCHMASSDEL).

  • Voucher Mass Maintenance Field Update (VCHMASSFLD).

  • Voucher Mass Maintenance Unpost (VCHMASSUNP).

  • Voucher On-Demand Processes (VCHR_STM).

  • Withholding Invoice Line Update (LINEWTHD).

  • Withholding Vendor Update (VNDRWTHD).

For Receivables you assign the appropriate process groups to each of these source transactions for all users based on the posting actions that you want to enable each user to perform:

  • Item Split (ARITSPLT).

  • Maintain Receivables (ARMNTWS).

  • Online Pending Item Entry (AROPIE).

  • Payment Worksheet (ARPAYWS).

  • Transfer Worksheet (ARTRNWS).

  • Unpost (ARUNPOST).

Note: All Receivables source transactions except Item Split (ARITSPLT) support all five process groups. Item Split (ARITSPLT) supports only Do Not Post (ARACTIONA), Batch Standard (ARACTIONL) and Post Now (ARPOST).

Use the User Preferences - Process Group page (OPR_DEF_TBL_RTM) to specify, by source transaction, the process groups a user can use for on-demand processing.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > User Preferences > Define User Preferences > Process Group

Note: Ensure that the process groups that you assign match the responsibilities of the user you are setting up.

Field or Control


Copy From User ID

Enter an already-defined user ID from which the system is to copy the source transaction specifications. This enables you to set up template user ID's that can then be used to copy source transaction process groups to other users with the same responsibilities.

Allow Processing

Select this check box to enable on-demand processing for this user ID.

Use Event Notification

Select this check box to have the system run the processes in asynchronous mode, such that the processes run independently in the background and no response is required from the server.

Source Transaction

Select a source transaction for which to assign associated process groups:

  • APMASSCNL (Mass Payment Cancellation v1).

  • APMASSCNL2 (Mass Payment Cancellation v2).

  • ARITSPLT (Item Split).

  • ARMNTWS (Maintain Receivables Worksheet).

  • AROPIE (Online Pending Item Entry).

  • ARPAYWS (Payment Worksheet).

  • ARTRNWS (Transfer Worksheet).

  • ARUNPOST (Unpost Groups).

  • LINEWTHD (Withholding Invoice Line Update).

  • MTCHEXPTN (Match Exception).

  • MTCHOVRD (Match Override).

  • PYMNCNCL (Payment Cancellation).

  • PYMNESCH (Payment Escheatment).

  • QUICKVCHR (Quick Invoice).

  • REGISTER (Complete Register Voucher).

  • VCHMASSCLS (Voucher Mass Maintenance Close).

  • VCHMASSDEL (Voucher Mass Maintenance Delete).

  • VCHMASSFLD (Voucher Mass Maintenance Field Update).

  • VCHMASSUNP (Voucher Mass Maintenance Unpost).

  • VCHR_MAINT (Voucher Maintenance).

  • VCHR_STM (Voucher On-Demand Processes).

  • VCHRCLOSE (Voucher Close).

  • VNDRWTHD (Withholding Vendor Update).

  • VOUCHER (Voucher Entry).

Process Group

Select the process groups that you want available for the user for the selected source transaction:

  • AP_VCHRBLD: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • APPMTCNL1: Mass Cancellation (Payables).

  • APPMTCNL2: Cancel, Payment Post (Payables).

  • APPMTCNL2A: Cancel, Payment Post, Voucher Post (Payables).

  • ARACTIONA: Do Not Post (Receivables).

  • ARACTIONL: Batch Standard (Receivables).

  • ARACTIONN: Batch Priority (Receivables).

  • ARPOST: Post Now (Receivables).

  • ARPOSTGL: Post Now to GL (Receivables).

  • BLDTOPOST: All Processes Through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • BUDGET_CHK: Budget Checking (Payables).

  • DOC_TOL: Document Tolerance (Payables).

  • ESMATCH: Matching (eSettlements).

  • MASSMAINT: Voucher Mass Maintenance (Payables).

  • MASSMNTVB: Mass Maintenance and Voucher Build (Payables).

  • MASSPOST: Voucher Maintenance and Voucher Posting (Payables).

  • MASSPOSTGL: Voucher Maintenance, Post and Journal Generator (Payables).

  • MATCHING: Matching (Payables).

  • MTCH_DT_BC: Matching, Doc Tolerance, Budget Check (Payables).

  • PAYPAYPOST: Payment Post (Payables).

  • PAYPOSTGL: Payment Post and Journal Generator (Payables).

  • PAYVCHRJG: Payment, Voucher Post and Journal Generator (Payables).

  • PAYVCHRPST: Payment Post and Voucher Post (Payables).

  • POSTAPAM: All Processes through Voucher Post, Load AM (Payables).

  • POSTAPGLAM: All Processes through Journal Generator, Load AM (Payables).

  • PST_VCHR: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • PST_VCHRGL: All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • PYCNCLPOST: Payment Post (Payables).

  • PYMNTPOST: Payment Post (Payables).

  • QVBUDGCC: All Process Through Budget Check (Payables).

  • QVBUDGDTCC: All Process through Budget Check (Payables).

  • QVDOCDT: All Process through doc tolerance (Payables).

  • QVDOCDTCC: All Process through Doc Tol (Payables).

  • QVJGEN: All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • QVJGENCC:All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • QVJGENDT: All Processes through Journal Generator (Payables).

  • QVJGENDTCC: All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • QVMTCH: Matching (Payables).

  • QVMTCHCC: All Processes through Matching (Payables).

  • QVMTCHDT: Voucher Build and Matching DT On CC Off (Payables).

  • QVMTCHDTCC: All Processes through Matching (Payables).

  • QVPOST: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVPOSTCC: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVPOSTDT: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVPOSTDTCC: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVVBLD: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • QVVBLDCC: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • QVVBLDDT: Voucher Build Doc Tol On CC Off (Payables).

  • QVVBLDDTCC: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • UNPSTJGEN: Mass Maintenance & Journal Generator (Payables).

  • VCHRPOST: Voucher Post (Payables).

  • VCHRPOSTGL: Voucher Post and General Ledger (Payables).

  • WHUPDPST: Withhold Post and Update (Payables).

  • WTHDUPD: Withhold Post (Payables).

Note: You cannot select Payables groups for Receivables source transactions, and vice versa.