Processing Entry Events

This topic discusses how to run the entry event processor.

Page Name

Definition Name


Entry Event Journals Page


Runs the entry event processor to process Entry Event Process GLJEADJ for budget adjustment journal entries.

Request Entry Event Processor Page


Runs the entry event processor to process Entry Event Process BUDG for budget journal entries.

Use the Entry Event Journals page (PST_EE_RUN_REQUEST) to run the entry event processor to process GLJEADJ for budget adjustment journal entries.


General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Entry Event Journals

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entry Event Journals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entry Event Journals page

Field or Control


Entry Event Process

Select the name of the process to run.

Process Option

Options are:

All Business Units: Run the process for every business unit that has transactions with entry events using this process.

Business Unit: Specify a business unit in the Selection Criteria group box to run the process for that business unit.

Document: Specify a particular document in the Selection Criteria group box to run the process for that document.

Journal Date

Enter a journal date to process the entry events on that date. This field appears only when you process Commitment Control budget and budget adjustment journals.

See Creating and Processing Entry Event Journals Using GLJE Entry Event Process.

Use the Request Entry Event Processor page (PST_EE_RUN_REQUEST) to run the entry event processor to process Entry Event Process BUDG for budget journal entries.


Commitment Control > Post Control Budget Journals > Request Entry Event Processor

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Request Entry Event Processor page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Request Entry Event Processor page

Field or Control


Entry Event Process

Select the name of the process to run.

Process Option

Options are:

All Business Units: Run the process for every business unit that has transactions with entry events using this process.

Business Unit: Specify a business unit in the Selection Criteria group box to run the process for that business unit.

Document: Specify a particular document in the Selection Criteria group box to run the process for that document.

Journal Date

Enter a journal date to process the entry events on that date. This field appears only when you process Commitment Control budget and budget adjustment journals.