Restarting and Recovering the Allocations Process

If the system encounters an error while it is processing a request, it sets the request status to error The program then continues with the next request. To rerun the canceled request, you must return to the online request page and initiate the request.

You can use the Message Log page to identify any request marked in error. When you correct the condition that caused the error, mark the request for processing and run the job again.

For allocations, the request specifies the allocation group to be processed and a commit is performed after each allocation step in that group. If the system encounters an error while it is processing a step, two factors determine whether the system continues with subsequent steps:

  • The type of error.

  • The Continue option on the Allocation Group page.

If the error is a system error, the allocation process aborts. If the error is a data error, the system checks the Step Continue option on the Allocation group definition.

If you select Continue for the step that failed, the system continues processing despite the failure. If you do not select Continue for that step, allocations proceeds with the next group on the request. After you correct the problem that caused the error, you can rerun the process for the same group.

The Start Step check box on the Allocation Request page enables you to specify whether the PeopleSoft Allocations process should restart processing at the step that failed. If you do not select this check box, allocations starts with the first step in the group. The Start Step option is available only if an error occurred during processing.