Running and Verifying the ChartField Configuration Program

To run and verify the ChartField configuration program, use the Standard Configuration (STANDARD_CF_TMPLT) and ChartField Definition (CF_CHRTFLD_DEFN) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Standard ChartField Configuration Page


Perform Standard ChartField Configuration such as changing display order, changing display length, relabeling, and activating or inactivating a ChartField.

Advanced Configuration Page


Perform advanced ChartField configuration such as adding, deleting, renaming and resizing of ChartFields.

(You can access the Standard Configuration page from this page by selecting the Standard Configuration tab.)

See the Standard ChartField Configuration Page.

Dynamic Edit Tables Page


Retrieve prompt table names that are to be assigned dynamically through PeopleCode.

You should not need to update this page unless you are performing a customization that requires the Get Edit Tables function.

Define ChartField Page


Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > ChartField Definition > Define ChartField .

The ChartField Configuration utility references the fields on this page. You should not need to modify the page.



Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > ChartField Related Programs > COBOL .

The ChartField Configuration utility references this page to derive any COBOL programs that must be changed manually and lists them on the Configuration Steps report. You should not need to modify the page.

nVision Page


Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > ChartField Related Programs > nVision.

The ChartField Configuration utility references this page to derive any nVision reports that must be changed manually and lists them on the Configuration Steps report. You should not need to modify the page.



Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > ChartField Related Programs > SQR/SQC .

The ChartField Configuration utility references this page to derive any SQRs that must be changed manually and lists them on the Configuration Steps report. You should not need to modify the page.

MC Templates Page


Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Mass Change Programs > MC Templates .

The ChartField Configuration utility references this page to derive any Mass Change templates that must be changed manually and lists them on the Configuration Steps report. You should not need to modify the page.

MC Type Page


Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Mass Change Programs > MC Type .

The ChartField Configuration utility references this page to derive any Mass Change types that must be changed manually and lists them on the Configuration Steps report. You should not need to modify the page.



Go to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Update AM ChartField SQC > Run AMCFBULD .

The configuration process normally schedules an SQR called AMCFBULD. If this SQR is unsuccessful, even though the configuration process itself is successful, you can use this page to resubmit the SQR alone when the problem has been resolved.

Action Status Page


Inquire on the status of a ChartField configuration action.

Product Status Page


Inquire on the status of a ChartField configuration action by installed product.

Also use to mark the status of products complete for a particular ChartField configuration action.

After setting up either a standard or advanced ChartField configuration, you are ready to:

  • Run the ChartField configuration program.

  • Monitor the progress of the configuration by ChartField configuration action and product.

  • Cancel an action that has not been processed.

  • Mark products complete when all manual steps have been performed for advanced configuration actions.

  • Verify the success of the standard or advanced ChartField configuration.

Use the Standard ChartField Configuration page (STANDARD_CF_TMPLT) to perform Standard ChartField Configuration such as changing display order, changing display length, relabeling, and activating or inactivating a ChartField.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Define CF Standard Config > Standard ChartField Configuration

You can also access the Standard ChartField Configuration page by selecting the Standard Configuration tab on the Advanced Configuration page.

Use the Advanced Configuration page (FS_CF_TEMPLATE) to perform advanced ChartField configuration such as adding, deleting, renaming and resizing of ChartFields.

(You can access the Standard Configuration page from this page by selecting the Standard Configuration tab.)

Field or Control



Click the Configure button to access the Process Scheduler Request page and initiate the configuration process.

Click theRun Full Configuration button and then the OK button to run the configuration process and produce the Configuration Steps report of required manual steps.

The ChartField Configuration program accesses and processes several pages.

SeePages Used to Run and Verify the ChartField Configuration Process .

If you want to review the required manual steps prior to committing to a full configuration, select Preview Configuration Steps and click OK. This generates only the Configuration Steps report.

After you run the full configuration, you cannot change the ChartField Configuration Pages or cancel requested configuration actions until the configuration process is successfully completed.

Warning! Because the process performs large numbers of updates to PeopleTools tables, no users should be logged on to the database while the process runs to avoid potential locking issues. For the same reason, after you initiate the full configuration process, you should immediately shut down the application server until the process finishes. You can monitor the progress of the process using the monitoring facility provided by your operating system (such as Task Manager on NT). The process also updates the AE_FS_CFCONFIG_XXX.STDOUT file (where XXX is your Process Instance number). The size of this file remains 0 until the process finishes.

Before running the process, ensure that your environment has the following recommended database settings:


  • Rollback Tablespace = 1536MB.

  • Rollback Segment sizing: Initial Extent + (Next Extent * Maxextents) = 1024MB (approximate).

  • dml_locks = 1024 (set in init.ora).

  • Changing the dml_locks setting requires recycling the instance.


  • Log Space = 1800MB.

  • LOCKS = 2,500,000.

Sybase—Log Space = 2000MB.


  • Update the locking mode to share: db2set DB2_RR_TO_RS=yes (This sets Lock mode requested = Next Key Share (NS)).

  • Include the following command in the DBMCFG.SQL configuration file: UPDATE DBM CFG USING QUERY_HEAP_SZ 64000.

  • Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 24000

  • Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 20

  • Use the following minimum TableSpace sizes (these might need to be increased):

    • BDAPP: 9720

    • BDAPPIDX: 2680

      BDLARGE: 1191

    • FAAP: 11312

      FSLARGEIDX: 13568

    • LCAPP: 28572

    • LCAPPIDX: 2600

  • Recycle the instance after changing the setting.

DB2/OS390—No changes recommended.

MSS 2000—Log Space = 1500MB.

See also PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Use the Dynamic Edit Tables page (FS_FLD_PROMPT) to retrieve prompt table names that are to be assigned dynamically through PeopleCode.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Define CF Dynamic Edit Tables

Dynamic Edit Tables are used by the Get Edit Tables PeopleCode function to retrieve prompt table names that are to be assigned dynamically through PeopleCode. For example, when ChartFields are refreshed in the Ledger Group component in General Ledger, their associated prompt tables are assigned from here. This page is automatically maintained by the ChartField Configuration Utility. You should not need to update this page unless you are performing a customization that requires the Get Edit Tables function.

Use the Action Status page (INQ_CFHDRLOG_SUM) to inquire on the status of a ChartField configuration action.


Click the Configuration Status link on either the Advanced Configuration or Standard ChartField Configuration page.

The following statuses can appear on both the Action Status and Product Status pages:

Field or Control


Not Yet Begun

A ChartField configuration action has been requested and saved on the Standard Configuration or Advanced page but the full configuration has not been successfully completed.

Auto Configuration Complete

The full Configuration process has finished successfully. This status is used only for advanced ChartField configuration actions.


For standard ChartField configuration actions, this status is set by the full Configuration process and indicates that it has finished successfully. Manual tasks listed on the Configuration Steps report must still be completed.

For advanced ChartField configuration actions, this status is set manually by means of the Mark Complete button on the Product Status page. When all products are complete for a ChartField configuration action, the status of the action is automatically changed to Complete on the Action Status page.

Note: When the full configuration has successfully finished, standard actions will be marked complete although they might still require manual steps, such as rebuilding indexes or updating reports. Make sure that you review the Configuration Steps Report to determine the additional manual steps necessary to complete the configuration.

Field or Control


Product Status

Select to access the Product Status page and display the status of each installed product for the ChartField configuration action selected. Update the Product Status page by running either the full Configuration or preview Configuration steps process.


Click the Cancel button to cancel ChartField configuration actions that you do not want to be processed by the full Configuration program. After this program has been run for a ChartField configuration action, that action cannot be canceled.

In addition, you cannot cancel a Reorder action. Instead, specify the desired order on the Standard Configuration page.

When canceling an inactivate, add, or delete action, verify the order on the Standard Configuration page and make adjustments as necessary.

When canceling a relabel action, only the default label is reset to its previous value. Any additional base language or foreign language labels need to be updated manually.

Use the Product Status page (INQ_CFLNLOG_DTL) to inquire on the status of a ChartField configuration action by installed product.

Also use to mark the status of products complete for a particular ChartField configuration action. You update the Product Status page by running either the full Configuration or preview Configuration steps process.


Click the All Products Status link on the bottom of the Actions page or click the Product Status link for a row on the Action Status page.

Field or Control


Mark Complete

When you complete the manual steps associated with an advanced ChartField configuration action for a product, click the Mark Complete button to mark the product complete. This changes the status from Auto Configuration Complete to Complete and allows additional ChartField configuration actions to be requested when all products are marked complete.

Access the Configuration Status Action Status page and verify that the configuration program has successfully processed each configuration action. No configuration actions with a status of Not Yet Begun should exist. If they do, the configuration process might not have finished successfully and following the steps below will help you identify the problem.

Review the Message Log produced by the Full Configuration Application Engine process for any errors that might have occurred. Any errors should be corrected and the process restarted (if it did not finish successfully) before proceeding to the manual configuration tasks.

Note: Do not make additional changes to the Standard Configuration or Advanced Configuration pages until this process finishes successfully.

The full configuration process uses the PeopleSoft PeopleTools Bulk Operations feature to modify records and pages for the Add, Delete, and Reorder configuration actions. When the full configuration has finished, review the Bulk Operations log file (BulkOps.log) for any errors and a record of what has or has not been processed. The log is located in %PS_CFG_HOME%/appserv/prcs/<domain>/log_output or (if that directory cannot be updated) in %PS_HOME%. Skipping certain records and pages that do not require updating is normal for the utility. If the utility updates a record or page that is questionable due to the complexity of the object, the record or page is written to a project called BLK_FieldName. Review the contents of any BLK_FieldName project created by the utility.

If you have requested a Reorder or Change Display Length configuration action and the Message Log contains an error message indicating that the process was unable to update order or display length on one or more pages, review the BulkOps.log file to identify the specific pages that were not processed. You must update these pages manually.

Finally, if you have activated or inactivated ChartFields, review the Application Engine TRC file for the process instance for any error messages to ensure that all index definitions were updated properly. Any indexes not updated by the configuration process can be updated in Application Designer by opening and resaving the record definition and then rebuilding the index.

Note: For more information about the Bulk Operations feature, consult the PeopleTools documentation.

For more information, see PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Designer