Understanding Delivered Visualizations in FSCM

This topic provides the delivered dashboard visualizations in FSCM.

This topic breaks the delivered visualizations into these product categories:

This section lists the delivered visualizations for:

  • General Ledger

  • Payables

  • Receivables

  • Billing

  • Commitment Control

General Ledger Visualizations



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Journals across Date/Time Entered

Journal Count by Status for Top 20 Users

Suspense Journal Count by Journal Source

Journal Line Count for Top 20 Departments

GL Operational Insights


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Financial Balance Trend

Journal Amount by Department

Top 5 Expense Accounts

Top 5 Revenue Accounts

Financial Position Trending


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YOY Comparison

Top 5 Expense Accounts

Top 5 Revenue Accounts

Financial Performance Analysis


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Actuals vs Budget

Total Actuals to Budget

Remaining Budget by Period

Top Expense Type Budgets

Top 5 Department Budgets

My Budget


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Expense Actuals vs Budget

Available Expense Budget by Period

Expense by Category

Revenue by Product Line

Budget Spend by top 5 Departments

Revenue by Top 5 Departments

Controllers Key Metrics


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Payables Visualizations



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Voucher Source across Date/Time Entered

Gross Amount by Payment Terms and Currency

# Vouchers by Currency and Voucher Source

Early Detection and Monitoring


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Gross Amounts by Currency across Year-Month Entered

# Vouchers by Business Unit across Year-Month Entered

Trend Analysis


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Top Payment Total by Payment Term

Discount Analysis

Top Payment Total by Payment Method

Trending Payment Counts per Payment Method

Top Outstanding Prepaind Amounts by Supplier

Top Payment Total by Payment Currency

Top Suppliers by Payment Counts

Late Charges: Top Suppliers

Late Payments: Process Days Range

Cancelled Payments: Payment Status

Cancelled Payments: Cancel Reason

AP Payment Metrics


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Receivables Visualizations



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AR Balances vs Overdue

AR Balance vs Collected

Write-off's and Deductions

Disputes by Business Unit

Top 5 Customer Risk Sources (Current)

Top 5 Customer Balances (Current)

AR Collections Analysis


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Aging by Business Unit

Aging by Customer

Collector Effectiveness

DSO by Business Unit

Highest Balance Receivables by Customer

Highest Balance Receivables by Collector

Collections Manager



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Aging Balance Summary

Aging by Customer

Highest Balance Receivables by Customer

Average Days Late by Customer

Collector Dashboard



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AR Open vs Closed Items by Collector

Overdue Balance by Collector & Currency

Write-off's by Collector

Credit Memos by Collector

Collector Performance


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Billing Visualizations



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Billing by Business Unit

Billing by Top Customers

Billing by Top Bill Source

Billing by Top Contracts

Billing by Industry

Billing by Top Sales Persons

Billing Analysis


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Invoices by Top Business Units

Invoices by Bill Source and Date/Time Updated

Invoices by Customers and Billing Specialist

Invoices by Bill Source and Business Unit

Invoices by Invoice Media

Invoices by Top Contracts

Period-to-Date Billing Activity by Region

Billing Operations


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Commitment Control Visualizations



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Budget Overview

Budget Entry Types

Top Spend Departments

Top Spend Expenses

Commitment Control Insights


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Transactions with Budget Exceptions



Errors by Source Transaction

Warnings by Source Transaction

Commitment Control Exceptions


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This section lists delivered visualizations for:

  • Asset Management

  • Maintenance Management

  • Lease Administration

Asset Management Visualizations



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Asset Count

Total Cost

Net Book Value

Top 10 Asset Types - Asset Count

Top 10 Categories - Asset Cost

Top 10 Categories - Period Depreciation/Amortization

Top 10 Categories - Net Book Value

Top 10 Asset Types - Cost versus Net Book Value

Asset Analytics


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Year-Over-Year Asset Acquisitions

Year-Over-Year Period Depreciation/Amortization

Year-Over-Year Retirement Gain/Loss

Year-Over-Year Cost versus Net Book Value

Year-Over-Year Acquired Asset Count

Year-Over-Year Retired Asset Count

Year-Over-Year Asset Analytics


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Maintenance Management Visualizations



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Future Workload by Technician / Criticality

Technician Past performance

Task Status by Due Date

Unassigned Tasks by Shop / Asset Location

Overdue PMs by Technician

Overdue Unassigned PMs by Shop

Work Order Labor Assignments


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Top 5 Problem Codes by Asset Type

Asset Types with Highest Spend on Part

Asset Types with Highest Spend on Labor

Task Completion Performance

Task Completion by Asset Type

Work Order Asset Maintenance History


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Lease Administration Visualizations



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This Month’s Payment

This Month’s Obligation Reduction

This Month’s Interest Expense

Lease Expiring in the Next 12 Months

Lease Expiring by Fiscal Year

Lease Expirations in the Next 90 Days

Lease Data

Lease Payment Insights


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Remaining Lease Payments

Remaining Obligation Reduction

Lease Payment Forecast

Lease Obligation Reduction Forecast

Lease Payment Forecast


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This topic lists the delivered visualizations for:

  • Contracts

  • Expenses

  • Project Costing

  • Grants

Contracts Visualizations



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Number Active Contracts by Contract Administer

Number Active Contracts by BU, Region and Type

Remaining Billing by BU by Region and Type

Remaining Billing Vs Remaining Revenue by BU

Average Remaining Contract Duration by BU and Region

Top 5 Contracts with Longest Remaining Duration by Customers

Largest 30 Contracts Started in the Last 30 Days

Contract Analytics


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Expenses Visualizations



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Top Travel Policy Violations

Top Expense Policy Violations

Activity with Non-Preferred Merchants by Employee

Activity with Non-Preferred Merchant by Expense Type

Employees Using Corporate Card for Personal Expenses

Travel Policy Violations


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Top Travel Policy Violations

Expense Reports by Status

Non-Reimbursable Expenses on Corporate Card

Average Days to Expense Credit Card Transactions

Expense Report Denied by Expense Type

My Proxy Expense Activity


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Top Spenders

Total Activity by Expense Type

Credit Card vs Other Spending

Personal Charges to Credit Card

Expenses Billable Analysis

Average Days from Submission to Approval

Average Days from Approval to Payment

Performance & Operations


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Project Costing Visualizations



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Project Financials by Period (Budgeted and Actual Cost)

Top 10 Projects for Actual Cost

Top 10 Managers for Actual Cost

Actual Cost by Project Types

Top 10 Source Types for Actual Cost

Top 10 Vendors for Actual Cost

Top 10 Expense Report Filers for Actual Cost

Project Cost Analytics


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Project Financials by Period (Budgeted, Actual Cost, and Billing Amount)

Top 10 Projects for Billing Amount

Top 10 Managers for Billing Amount

Top 10 Vendors for Billing Amount

Top 10 Billable Employees

Project Billing Analytics


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Project Financials by Period

Top 10 Projects for Actual Revenue

Top 10 Managers for Actual Revenue

Top 10 Vendors for Actual Revenue

Top 10 Profitable Employees

Project Revenue Analytics


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Year-Over-Year Total Actual Cost

Year-Over-Year Actual Revenue

Year-Over-Year Vendor Actual Cost

Year-Over-Year Profit (Loss)

Year-Over-Year Billing Amount

Year-Over-Year Billable Hours

Year-Over-Year Project Analytics


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Grants Visualizations



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Award Summary

Total Cost by Award

Billing by Sponsor

Billing by Project

Cost by Principal Investigator

Actual Cost by Contract Type

Cost by Source Type

Cost Reimbursable Award Financials


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This topic lists the delivered visualizations for:

  • Purchasing

  • Inventory

Purchasing Visualizations



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Contracts by Contract Style

Contracts by Status

Contract vs Non Contract Spend

Top Suppliers

Contracts Expiry by Month

Procurement Contracts


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Purchase Volume by Business Unit

Top Suppliers

Purchase Order by Pay Terms

Delivery Performance

Rejections and Supplier Returns

Purchase Order Amount by Budget Status

Procurement Volume Trend

Purchasing Effectiveness


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Purchased Orders by Acknowledgement Status

Purchase Orders by Status

Purchase Orders by Budget Status

Purchase Order by Document Tolerance Status

Pending and Past Due Deliveries

Purchase Orders by Period

Purchasing Operations


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Number of POs Dispatched by Buying Organization

Value of POs Dispatched by Buying Organization

Number of POs Dispatched by Ship To Location

Pending and Past Due Purchase Orders by Supplier

Delivery Performance Analysis by Supplier

Value of Shipment Rejections and Returns by Supplier

Value of Purchase Order Activity Trend by Supplier

POA Response Against Service Level Agreements

Number of POAs Pending and Past Due by Supplier

Number of POAs by Acknowledgement Status by Supplier

Supplier Activity Analytics Insights


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Inventory Visualizations



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Value of Lots Approaching Expiration by Business Unit

Value of Lots Approaching Expiration by Time Increments

Number of Items of Lots Approaching Expiration

Lots Approaching Expiration by Location

Lots Approaching Expiration by Item Category

Item Lots Approaching Expiration Date


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Non-Viable Inventory Value by IBU

Non-Viable Inventory by Item Category

Non-Viable Inventory by Location

Value of Non-Viable Inventory by Time Increments

Number of Non-Viable Inventory in Expired Lots

Non-Viable Item Lot Analysis


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