Verifying Interunit, Intraunit, and ChartField Inheritance Setup

Page Name

Definition Name


Inter/Intraunit - Setup Validation Page


Run the application engine audit program and specify desired queries to review audit data.

Verifying inter and intraunit setup is very important when first installing your system for inter and intraunit processing and it is also important when any of the following events occur:

  • You add new business units.

  • You change or restructure your chart of accounts.

  • You migrate a subsidiary to your corporate chart of accounts.

  • You add or remove Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Codes.

With these and any like events, you typically perform verification to indicate if and where inter and intraunit setup data might be missing. It is advisable to run inter and intraunit setup verification on a periodic basis to catch inadvertent errors as well as after any major maintenance activity.

Using the PeopleSoft Application Engine process (IU_AUDIT), you can identify missing setup data and run queries that download this data to Microsoft Excel worksheets to be printed, sorted or filtered as you choose.

The Application Engine program first validates inter and intraunit setup data and identifies missing setup data. It populates the following audit tables with the results:

Audit Table

Type of Audit

Summary of Missing Data Identified in Audit


Business Unit Audit

Identifies business units that require an InterUnit or IntraUnit Template but do not have them defined. It also lists business unit pairs that are not defined when the interunit balancing method is pairs.


Inter/IntraUnit Template Audit

Identifies missing InterUnit/ and IntraUnit Templates, Transaction Codes, Account Balance Groups and Entry Types.


ChartField Value Audits

Identifies missing ChartField values for a combination of Transaction Code, Account Balance Group and Entry Type for the general ledger business unit pair or Inter/IntraUnit Template indicated.


ChartField Inheritance Audits

Identifies missing ChartField Inheritance Groups and, if also missing, their corresponding SQL Definitions based on installed products. Also lists missing bank account ChartField inheritance SQL Definitions.

The application engine program then runs the queries selected by the user to extract the audit data and writes it to Microsoft Excel worksheets. A separate Excel worksheet is generated by each query and is posted to the Report Repository.

The Run Control page for the application engine program indicates the names of the queries that are available to run.

Setup validation queries lend themselves to use on an adhoc basis. For example, you enter a voucher involving business units US001 and FRAE1 and the post process fails due to missing interunit setup. In this instance you can run the application engine program, select the queries desired to see the data that is set up for each business unit and, if there is any missing data, go to the setup pages and make corrections.

Note: If you are using the InterUnit Pairs Method, you can use the related Inter/IntraUnit Mass Maintenance feature to facilitate correction of audit errors.

Microsoft Excel 97 or a later version must be installed to verify Inter/IntraUnit and ChartField Inheritance setup. Excel displays an error message when a worksheet exceeds 64,000 rows. If you receive this error message, it is necessary to correct some of the errors listed and rerun the application engine process (IU_AUDIT).

Use the Setup Validation page (IU_AUDIT) to run the application engine audit program and specify desired queries to review audit data.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Inter/Intra Unit > Validate Inter IntraUnit Setup

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup Validation page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Setup Validation page

Note: To preclude the same errors being reported multiple times in subsequent audits, you might begin by running the audits one at a time, in the following order and correct any errors prior to running the next audit:

  1. Business Unit Audit—Identify business units that require an InterUnit or IntraUnit Template but do not have them defined. It also lists business unit pairs that are not defined when the interunit balancing method is pairs.

  2. Inter/IntraUnit Template Audit—Identify missing InterUnit and IntraUnit Templates, Transaction Codes, Account Balance Groups and Entry Types.

  3. ChartField Value Summary Audit—Identify missing SetID/ChartField values. Each SetID/ChartField value is listed only once.

  4. ChartField Value Detail Audit—Identify missing SetID/ChartField values for a combination of Transaction Code, Account Balance Group and Entry Type for the GL BU (general ledger business unit) pair or Inter/IntraUnit Template indicated.

  5. ChartField Inheritance Audit—Identify missing ChartField Inheritance Groups and, if also missing, their corresponding SQL Definitions based on installed products.

  6. Bank ChartField Inheritance Audit—Identify missing external bank account ChartField inheritance SQL Definitions.

The following provides an understanding the query results.

Query columns that do not apply based on the InterUnit Method selected are blank. For example, the From GL Unit and To GL Unit columns are blank if the InterUnit Method is not Pairs.

Field or Control


Business Unit Audit

Select this query to verify the following:

  • InterUnit Setup, Direct and Indirect Method—Verify each business unit has an InterUnit Template defined on the general ledger business unit definition. Excludes elimination units.

  • InterUnit Setup, Pairs Method—Verify each business unit combination exists on the InterUnit Pairs definition.

  • IntraUnit Setup—Based on Ledgers for a Unit, if a business unit is tied to a Ledger Group with the IntraUnit Balancing Entries option selected and that ledger group is valid in the SetID specified under Record Group FS_04 for that business unit, verify that the business unit has an IntraUnit Template defined on the general ledger business unit definition. Excludes elimination units.

The Business Unit Audit query produces a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the following columns:

  • From GL Unit

  • To GL Unit

  • Business Unit (GL)

  • Missing InterUnit Template? (Y=Yes)

  • Missing IntraUnit Template? (Y=Yes)

  • Missing GL BU Pair? (Y=Yes)

Inter/IntraUnit Template Audit

Select this query to verify the following:

  • InterUnit Setup, Direct Method—Verify the InterUnit Template defined for each business unit is valid in the SetID specified under Record Group FS_59 for that business unit. Also verify all possible Transaction Code, Account Balance Group (if active Account Balance Groups are defined) and Entry Type combinations are defined on the InterUnit Template.

  • InterUnit Setup, Indirect Method—For each business unit (called the driving business unit), verify the InterUnit Template defined for each other business unit is valid in the SetID specified under Record Group FS_59 for the driving business unit. Also verify all possible Transaction Code, Account Balance Group (if active Account Balance Groups are defined) and Entry Type combinations are defined on each of the InterUnit Templates identified above.

  • InterUnit Setup, Pairs Method—Verify all possible Transaction Code, Account Balance Group (if active Account Balance Groups are defined) and Entry Type combinations are defined for each BU pair defined on the InterUnit Pairs table.

  • IntraUnit Setup—Based on Ledgers for a Unit, if a business unit is tied to a Ledger Group with the IntrUnit Balancing Entries option selected and that Ledger Group is valid in the SetID specified under Record Group FS_04 for that business unit, verify the business unit's IntraUnit Template is valid in the SetID specified under Record Group FS_59 for that business unit. Also verify all possible Transaction Code, Account Balance Group (if active Account Balance Groups are defined) and Entry Type combinations are defined on the IntraUnit Template.

The Inter/IntraUnit Template Audit query produces a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the following columns:

  • From GL Unit

  • To GL Unit

  • Business Unit

  • Set Control Value

  • Template SetID (from FS_59 Record Group)

  • InterUnit Template

  • IntraUnit Template

  • Transaction Code

  • Account Balancing Group

  • Entry Type

From GL Unit, To GL Unit and Business Unit are driving values that determine which template is being audited.

Set Control Value is used to retrieve the Template SetID. It varies depending on the Interunit Method selected.

Only Transaction Codes that are mapped to System Transactions are listed.

When multiple active Account Balancing Groups are defined, they are only listed for Transaction Codes mapped to the GLJ System Transaction.

Inter/IntraUnit Template, Transaction Code, Account Balance Group and Entry Type are hierarchical. If a higher level value is missing or invalid, there is no reason to validate the lower level values, so asterisks are placed in the lower level columns. For example, if an InterUnit Template is missing from a SetID, asterisks are placed in the Transaction Code, Account Balance Group and Entry Type columns. In the same way, if Transaction Code is missing from an InterUnit Template, asterisks are placed in the Account Balance Group and Entry Type columns. Once the higher level values are corrected, the audit is rerun to validate any lower level values that are required.

ChartField Value Summary Audit and ChartField Value Detail Audit

These two audits do similar tasks.

ChartField Value Summary Audit summarizes data from the IU_AUDIT_CF audit table. It lists each missing SetID/ChartField Value one time.

ChartField Value Detail Audit lists detail data from the IU_AUDIT_CF audit table. It lists each missing SetID/ChartField Value for every Transaction Code, Account Balance Group and Entry Type combination.

Select these queries to verify the following:

  • InterUnit Setup, Direct Method— For each General Ledger Business Unit/InterUnit Template combination defined, obtain the SetID specified under Record Group FS_59 for that business unit. Using the SetID obtained and the InterUnit Template being processed, validate each ChartField value on the Template, using the business unit as the SetControlValue to obtain the SetID specified under that ChartField's Record Group.

  • InterUnit Setup, Indirect Method— For each business unit (called the driving business unit), obtain the SetID specified under Record Group FS_59. Using the SetID obtained, validate the InterUnit Template defined for the other business unit. For each template, validate each ChartField value, using the driving business unit as the SetControlValue to obtain the SetID specified under that ChartField's Record Group.

  • IntraUnit Templates— For each Business Unit and IntraUnit Template combination defined, obtain the SetID specified under Record Group FS_59 for that business unit. Using the SetID obtained and the IntraUnit Template being processed, validate each ChartField value on the Template, using the business unit as the SetControlValue to obtain the SetID specified under that ChartField's Record Group.

  • InterUnit Pairs— For each Business Unit pair defined on the InterUnit Pairs table, verify that the ChartField values for each populated ChartField are valid in the SetID specified under the Record Group for that ChartField using the From or To General Ledger Unit value as the Set Control Value as detailed in the topic InterUnit Pairs Audit Table A at the end of this section.

The ChartField Value Summary Audit query produces a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the following columns:

  • From GL Unit

  • To GL Unit

  • Business Unit

  • Template Setid (from FS_59 Record Group)

  • InterUnit Template

  • IntraUnit Template

  • Set Control Value

  • ChartField Setid

  • ChartField

  • Invalid ChartField Value

The ChartField Value Detail Audit query produces a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the following columns:

  • From GL Unit

  • To GL Unit

  • Business Unit

  • Template Setid

  • InterUnit Template

  • IntraUnit Template

  • Transaction Code

  • Account Balancing Group

  • Entry Type

  • Set Control Value

  • ChartField Setid

  • ChartField

  • Invalid ChartField Value

Set Control Value is used to retrieve the ChartField SetID. It is equal to the driving GL business unit value.

ChartField SetID will come from the ChartField's Record Group.

Invalid ChartField Value was not found in the ChartField SetID.

ChartField Inheritance Audit

Select this query to verify the following:

  • For each SetID to which a valid Ledger Group (a Ledger Group that is tied to at least one business unit in the Ledgers For a Unit page) is defined, verify that all the required ChartField Inheritance Groups are defined based on the products installed as detailed in the topic ChartField Inheritance Audit Table B at the end of this section.

  • Also verify that field list and field override list SQL Definitions exist for each required SetID/Inheritance Group combination assuming the following SQL Definition Naming convention:

    • Field List SQL Definition—FS_CFI_FLST_<SETID>_<CF_INHERIT_GRP> (for example, FS_CFI_FLST_SHARE_APEA)

    • Field Override List SQL Definition—FS_CFI_FOVR_<SETID>_<CF_INHERIT_GRP> (for example, FS_CFI_FOVR_SHARE_APEA)

The ChartField Inheritance Audit query produces a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the following columns:

  • Ledger Group Setid

  • Inheritance Group

  • Missing CF Inheritance Group

  • Missing List SQL Object

  • Missing Override SQL Object

Bank ChartField Inheritance Audit

For each SetID/External Bank Account combination defined on the bank table, verify that field list and field override list SQL Definitions exist assuming the following SQL Definition Naming convention:



The Bank ChartField Inheritance Audit query produces a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing the following columns:

  • Bank Setid

  • Bank

  • Bank Account

  • Bank Account Type

  • Description

  • Missing List SQL Object

  • Missing Override SQL Object

Validate and Run Queries

Click this button to initiate the application engine process (IU_AUDIT) to create audit results and run the queries you select.

Validation Query Results

Select to view the results of the queries in Excel worksheets.

Process Monitor

Select to view the progress of the application engine process (IU_AUDIT).

InterUnit Pairs Audit Table A

Use this table with the ChartField value audits information in the preceding section.

Entry Type

Ownership Unit

Set Control Value

Receivable, Revenue, Cost of Goods


From GL Unit value

Payable, Expense, Accrued Payable, Customer Shipments


To GL Unit value

In Transit


From GL Unit value

In Transit


To GL Unit value

ChartField Inheritance Audit Table B

Use this table with the ChartField inheritance audit information in the preceding section.

Installed Product

Inheritance Group Translate Value

Inheritance Group Description



Expense Control Accounts



Expenses Payroll Offset



Expenses VAT Non-Recoverable

General Ledger


GL Journal VAT Input Other



GL Journal VAT Non-Recoverable



GL Journal VAT Output



Payables Header-Level Entries



Payables Distrib-Level Entries



Payables VAT Non-Recoverable

Promotions Management


Promotions Mgmt Accounts



Purchasing Control Accounts



Purchasing Expense Accounts



Purchasing VAT Non-Recoverable



Receivables Revaluation



Receivables and Billing



Treasury VAT Input Other



Treasury VAT Non-Recoverable



Treasury VAT Output