Working With and Personalizing the Classic WorkCenter As an End User

Note: Application-specific information is available for each application that uses Classic WorkCenters and Dashboards. This topic discusses general Classic WorkCenter concepts.

Page Name

Definition Name


<Application> WorkCenter Page

<Application Code>_WC_INIT

View user-specific work items, links, queries, reports, and processes.

User Personalization - Personalize <Application> WorkCenter Page


Personalize the WorkCenter as an end user.

Use the <Application> WorkCenter page (<application code>_WC_INIT) to view user-specific work items, links, queries, reports, and processes.


<Application menu option> > <Application> WorkCenter

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example: WorkCenter page (Classic).

Billing Classic Workcenter

<Application> WorkCenter

Field or Control


WorkCenter Settings icon

Click the Workcenter Settings icon to access these options:

This option is typically available only to a system administrator.

Minimize Application WorkCenter icon

Click the Minimize <Application> WorkCenter icon to hide the left pane.

When you hide the left pane, the Show icon appears in the top left corner.

Expand icon

Click the Expand icon to display the WorkCenter navigation in the left pane.

Use the User Personalization page (PTAL_USER_PREF) to personalize the general layout of the WorkCenter as an end user.


<Application menu option> > WorkCenter.Click the Workcenter Settings icon. Click the Personalize link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User Personalization - Personalize <Application> WorkCenter page.

User Personalization - Personalize (Application) WorkCenter page

Field or Control


Pagelet Group

Select Main or Reports/Queries. These options represent the primary tabs that appear in the left pane of the WorkCenter.

Depending on the option selected, the Pagelet Label displays the pagelet headings in the Pagelets grid.


When making a change to this grid, you must select the Reload option from the WorkCenter Setting icon, to reload the page and display your changes.

Field or Control


Pagelet Label

Displays the pagelet headings that appear on the tab selected in the Pagelet Group field.


Select to indicate that you want the pagelet to appear when you access the WorkCenter.

Deselect to hide the label and all links within the label.

Initially Minimized

Select to indicate that you want the links within this pagelet label minimized, or collapsed, when you access the WorkCenter.

Deselect to indicate that you want the links within this pagelet label to appear when you access the WorkCenter.

Display Order

Enter a number that represents the order in which the pagelet label (and associated links) appear when you access the WorkCenter.