Defining Voucher Session Defaults

Session defaults are available for the Journal Voucher, Regular Voucher, Single Payment Voucher, and Template Voucher styles in the Voucher or Quick Invoice Entry components. These defaults override the defaults that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy. Users can select these predefined session defaults or create ad hoc session is provided by default from the Voucher or Quick Invoice Entry components.

To define voucher session defaults, use the Session Defaults component (AP_SESSION_DEFAULT).

This section discusses how to enter session defaults.

Page Name

Definition Name


Session Defaults Page


Enter voucher defaults for a predefined session default that the users can select from the Voucher or Quick Invoice Entry components. These defaults override the values that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.

Use the Session Defaults page (AP_VCHR_DFLT_PG) to enter voucher defaults for a predefined session default that the users can select from the Voucher or Quick Invoice Entry components.

These defaults override the values that the system applies using the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Vouchers > Session Defaults

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Session Defaults page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Session Defaults page

You can create session defaults for all users, user roles, or specific users. On the add search page, when you select Primary Permission List as the Session Default Type, you need to specify a primary permission list. When you select User ID, you need to specify a user ID.

Field or Control


Estimated No. of Invoice Lines (estimated number of invoice lines) and Estimated No. of Distribution Lines (estimated number of distribution lines)

Enter the number of invoice lines and distribution lines to appear as default on the voucher.

Active Flag

Select to use during voucher entry from the Voucher or Quick Invoice Entry components. This session default is not available if you do not select this check box.

Business Unit

Enter a PeopleSoft Payables business unit and rate type to appear as defaults for the voucher session.

Supplier Detail

Enter a supplier ID, address sequence number, supplier location, and currency code to appear as defaults for the voucher session.

Invoice Defaults

Enter an accounting date, origin, and control group ID to appear as defaults for the voucher session.

For Quick Invoice Only

The options in this group box are applicable to quick invoices only.

Field or Control



Enter the payment terms default for this session.

QI Template (quick invoice template)

Select the worksheet that is the default for this session. Options are:

  • Complete: Establish the Quick Invoice complete worksheet page as the default. On this page, you can copy purchase orders and receivers and specify more voucher details.

  • Simple: Establish the Quick Invoice simple worksheet page as the default. On this page, you can quickly enter basic voucher information.


Enter the accounting entry template default for this session.

Build Code

Enter the voucher build code for the session.

PO Unit (purchase order business unit) and Recv Unit (receiver business unit)

Enter a default PO business unit or receiver business unit (or both). The Voucher Build process uses this information, along with appropriate PO or receiver information that you enter on the voucher lines, to locate the purchase order or receiver lines and build the voucher and distribution lines from them.

Note: For quick invoice entry, this functionality applies to the complete worksheet only.

Select how to display the following options on the Quick Invoice Entry component. Values are Display, Gray, and Hide for these options:

Field or Control


PO Options (purchase order options)

Controls display of all purchase order-related fields. This option only applies to quick invoices using the complete template.

Receiver Options (receiver options)

Controls display of all receiver-related fields. This option only applies to quick invoices using the complete template.

Non- Merchandise Charges

Select how to display the following options on the Voucher or Quick Invoice Entry components. Values are Display, Gray, and Hide for these options:

Field or Control


Misc Options (miscellaneous charge options)

Controls display of miscellaneous amount and miscellaneous charge code fields.

Frght Options (freight charge options)

Controls display of freight amount and freight charge code fields.

Sales Tax Opt (sales tax charge options)

Controls display of sales tax amount, sales tax charge code fields, tax exempt fields.

VAT Amt Opt (VAT amount options)

Controls display of VAT amount and VAT Apport CF (VAT apportionment ChartField) fields.


Enter default general ledger and project ChartField values in this region.

Important! Chartfields that appear here depend on how you configure them to display on the Standard Chartfield Configuration page.

See Standard ChartField Configuration Page.