Entering Supplier Addresses

This section discusses how to specify supplier addresses and search for them.

Page Name

Definition Name


Supplier Information - Address Page


Specify one or more addresses for the supplier. You can enter multiple addresses for the different sites that a supplier might have.

Supplier Address Search Page


Search for a specific supplier address to update.

Use the Supplier Information - Address page (VNDR_ADDRESS) to specify one or more addresses for the supplier.

You can enter multiple addresses for the different sites that a supplier might have.


Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier > Address

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Information - Address page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Supplier Information - Address page

Field or Control


Supplier Address Search

Click this link to access the Supplier Address Search page. Use this page to search for supplier addresses for this supplier. When you select an address on the Supplier Address Search page and click the OK button the address selected will appear in the Supplier Address group box on this page. This functionality enables you to quickly retrieve a particular supplier address without having to scroll through all of the supplier addresses.

Supplier Address

Field or Control


Address ID

Displays the system identifier for this address.


When performing duplicate supplier checks, the system considers the country code to determine the number of address lines for a particular supplier. If the address line is entered, then the system compares the line to determine if the new supplier is a duplicate. Address fields are not required so consequently; the address, city, or state fields might not be populated.

Note: When the address, city or state fields are entered and are a part of the duplicate supplier validation, they require a value. Otherwise, blank values could be interpreted as duplicate values.

Field or Control



Select the supplier's country. Once you select a country, the appropriate address form appears. Depending on the country that you select, the form of the address field varies. Enter all fields that are necessary for the country that you select.

Email ID

Enter the supplier's email address. This is the address that the Email application engine process (PO_PO_EMAIL) uses when you select the dispatch method of email in PeopleSoft Purchasing.


Select a geocode. This value is used by third-party tax applications to link a supplier address to tax calculation algorithms. If no geocode has been selected, this field displays a lookup link. Click the geocode value or lookup link to access the Tax GeoCode Selection page, where you select a geocode value for the supplier address.

This field appears only if you have installed and enabled a third-party tax application for use with the PeopleSoft procurement applications.

You must select a geocode for each supplier address, to integrate properly with your third-party tax application.

If you select the wrong geocode for the supplier address, an error message is issued by the third-party application. Troubleshoot the error using the documentation provided by the third-party tax application provider. .

Note: If you are adding more than one current address for this supplier (for example, the supplier has multiple sites), click the add button (+) in the Supplier Address group box to add a new row. To update address information for the supplier, click the add button (+) in the Details group box to add a new row. Because supplier information is effective-dated, you can insert new rows to reflect changes in address before the change goes into effect, so that you don't forget to update this information later. To correct an erroneous address, enter the correct address in place of the incorrect one, and save your changes.

Payment/Withholding Alt Names

Use the Payment/Withholding Alt Names (payment and withholding alternate names) section to specify alternate names for the supplier that can be used for payment and withholding purposes. When the system generates payments for the location that uses this address, it uses the alternate name information on the payment forms. Likewise, if you specify an alternate withholding name, the system uses this name on withholding reports instead of the name that you specified on the Identifying Information page.

This function is useful if a supplier wants to conduct business under another name. For example, Alvarez Consulting may be the supplier, but may want to receive payments or report withholdings under the name of Jose Alvarez.

Field or Control


Payment Alternate name

Enter any alternate names for the supplier to be used on payment forms.

Withholding Alternate name

Enter any alternate names for the supplier to be used on withholding reports.

Phone Information

Use this group box to enter phone information for the supplier.

Field or Control



Select the type of phone number that you are adding (cellular, business, fax, home, pager, and so on).

Prefix, Telephone, and Extension

Enter the prefix, number, and any extension for the phone number that you are adding.

Note: You must enter a phone number in the following format: nnn/nnn-nnnn.

For example, your phone number might look like this: 222/563- 8475.

If you fail to enter a phone number in the correct format, you may experience difficulties dispatching POs by fax.

Use the Supplier Address Search page (VNDR_ADDRSRCH_SBP) to search for a specific supplier address to update.


Click the Supplier Address Search link on the Supplier Information - Address page.

Field or Control


Address, City, and Postal

Select an operand for these fields and the actual partial or full value. You can search for a partial address value. Operands are:

  • Contains

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to


Select a country for the supplier address search.


Select a state for the supplier address search.

Note: Country must be selected first before you select the state.


When you click this button the system displays in the Search Results group box all of the addresses that match the search criteria. Select the address you want to work with and click the OK button. When you click the OK button the address you select will appear on the Supplier Information - Address page.

Note: To view all available addresses just click the Search button without specifying any search criteria.