Entering Supplier Contact Information

This section discusses how to enter supplier contact information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Supplier Information - Contacts Page


Enter information about the people whom you contact on a regular basis, so that you can easily determine whom to contact if you have questions and can discern why a contact might want to talk to you, before you return the contact's call.

Use the Supplier Information - Contacts page (VNDR_CNTCT) to enter information about the people whom you contact on a regular basis, so that you can easily determine whom to contact if you have questions and can discern why a contact might want to talk to you, before you return the contact's call.


  • Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier > Contacts

  • Accounts Payable > Review Accounts Payables Info > Supplier > Supplier Contact

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Information - Contacts page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Supplier Information - Contacts page

Supplier Contact

Field or Control


Contact ID

Displays the contact ID number. When you add a new supplier contact, the system automatically increments the supplier contact's number in this field.

User ID

Specify a user ID so that the supplier can view the events related to the particular user on the View Events and Place Bids page on the Comprehensive Supplier portal.


Field or Control



Select a type (such as Management or Sales) to define the contact's role. If you select Contract Collaborator, the system displays the External User field and the Contract Management Settings group box.

External User

Enter an external user ID if you want to provide external portal access to this user for contract documents, agreements, or both. This field is available if the Type field is set to Contract Collaborator

As you author new PeopleSoft Supplier Contracts Management contracts for this supplier, the system uses this user ID information as the default value for the contract collaborator.


Enter the supplier contact’s name.


Enter the supplier contact's title.


Select an address for the contact from one of the addresses that you entered on the Supplier Information - Address page. This enables you to associate different addresses with each contact.

After you select an address for the contact, the system displays the associated phone numbers for that address in the Phone Information group box. The system will copy over all of the address phone numbers when there is no existing phone number defined for the contact. If there are existing phone numbers for the contact, the system will prompt you to confirm if you want to override the existing entries and copy the new address phone numbers into this contact phone list.

Required to Sign Document

Select this check box to indicate that this supplier contact is required to sign a contract document generated using the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management document feature. This check box provides a way for you set up a list of default external users who need to sign documents based on a supplier ID. The check box only applies to purchase order and purchase order contract source transactions.


Enter a URL for the contact's website. Click the View Internet Address link to open a new browser window showing the website.

Email ID

Enter the contact's email address. Multiple email addresses can be entered in this field, but they must be separated by semicolons.

Contract Management Settings

This group box is available when you select Contract Collaborator in the Type field and is used with the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management application.

Field or Control


Allow Document View Access

Select to provide the supplier contact view access to contract documents by default.

Primary Document Owner

Select to indicate that this supplier contact is the primary document owner. External users must be a primary owners on documents to enable them for contract collaboration and signatures.