Running the VNDR_IMPORT Process

You run the VNDR_IMPORT process to move supplier information into the PeopleSoft system. The process reads records from the existing system and inserts data into the appropriate PeopleSoft supplier tables. The process searches the C:\Temp folder for a set of text files with file names that correspond to the record name plus the file extension .txt. For example, the text file for the PS_VENDOR record is called VENDOR.txt. It is located in C:\Temp\VENDOR.txt. There are 26 supplier records, and each record has a corresponding text file.

Once the process finds a text file, it reads each line and maps the data into the corresponding file layout (that is, the file layout with the same name). Then the process copies the data into an instance of the table's record definition. If it is not successful, the process aborts. If it is successful, record system edits are run on the data. If it runs the edits successfully, the process copies the row of supplier data into the table and reads the next row. Once it completes a file, it moves to the next file in the C:\Temp folder.

You can run the process from the command line or from a batch file. Use the following syntax for the command line:

%toolbin%\psae -CT <database type> -CD <database name> -CO <user id> -CP 
 <user password> -R <run control id> -AI VNDR_IMPORT -I 0 -TRACE <trace options>

Here is an example:

C:\PT840\bin\client\winx86\psae -CT MICROSFT -CD FIN840 -CO VP1 -CP VP1 -R IMPORT1

Note: You can also use this Application Engine process to export data back to the text files. To do this, you must modify the Main Step01 PeopleCode. If the value for Import is True, the process imports data; if the value is False, the process exports data.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker Testing Utilities and Tools

see the product documentation for PeopleTools: Application Engine