Staging Purchase Order Contracts

This section provides an overview of the Purchase Order Contracts process and discusses how to run the Purchase Order Contracts process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Stage Contract POs Page


Run the Purchase Order Contracts process for order contracts.

The Purchase Order Contracts process stages contract purchase order releases from contracts and adds defaults so that they can become purchase orders when you run the PO Calculations process and the Create Purchase Orders process. The Purchase Order Contracts process is not used for voucher contracts.

The Purchase Order Contracts process takes the information from the CNTRCT_RLS_HDR, CNTRCT_RLS_LN, and CNTRCT_RLS_DTL tables and places it on the purchasing stage tables. The PO Calculations process then takes the purchase order information from the stage tables for further processing, and then the Create Purchase Orders process builds the purchase order releases.

Use the Stage Contract POs page (RUN_PO_POCNTRCT) to run the Purchase Order Contracts process for order contracts.


Procurement Contracts > Stage Contract POs

Contract Selection Criteria

Select the parameters for the Purchase Order Contracts process to use to select which purchase order releases to stage.

Field or Control


First drop-down list box

Options are:

  • All Business Units: Select to stage purchase order contract releases from all PeopleSoft Purchasing business units.

  • Specific Business Unit: Select to stage purchase order contract releases from a specific business unit. If you select this value, select a business unit in the Unit field.

Second drop-down list box

Options are:

  • All Contracts: Select to stage purchase order contract releases from all contracts.

  • Specific Contract: Select to stage purchase order contract releases from a specific contract. If you select this value, select values in the SetID and Contract ID fields.

Third drop-down list box

Options are:

  • All PO Dates: Select to stage purchase order releases for all dates.

  • PO Date By: Select to stage only purchase order releases for which the date is equal to the system date when you run the Purchase Order Contracts process. To stage only the releases for the current system date, set the Days From the Scheduled Run field to 0. To include releases within a number of days of the current system date, enter that number in the Days From the Scheduled Run field.

  • PO Date Range: Select to enter a range of dates for the purchase order release in the PO Date and Through Date fields.