Defining Par Location Data for the POU Supplier and the PeopleSoft System

This section discusses the procedures and application functions that are used to maintain par location data in PeopleSoft Inventory and the POU supplier system. Here are steps for defining and maintaining the par location data:

  1. Decide on and document the specifications for the POU supplier configuration.

    You build the POU supplier system based on the specifications (for example, compartment sizing, capacity, and so forth). Thoroughly document the system requirements.

  2. Create par locations in the PeopleSoft system that correspond to the POU supplier.

    Once you determine the configuration of the supplier and build the POU supplier system, create the corresponding par location in the PeopleSoft system by using the Par Location Definition component. You set up and maintain all item and par location data in the PeopleSoft system.

  3. Run the Full Data Publish process to initially populate the POU supplier with item data.

    Use the Full Data Publish process ((Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Full Data Publish) to publish a full-data replication of the par locations for the initial implementation by using the PAR_LOCATION_FULL_SYNC service operation (EIP). Run this process after the par locations are defined. This service operation is used to initially populate the POU supplier with par location item data.

  4. Save changes to the Par Location Definition component to update the POU supplier.

    All subsequent changes saved to the Par Location Definition component for existing par locations are sent to the POU supplier in partial-data replication (PAR_LOCATION_SYNC service operation) using the Par Location EIP. These partial-data replications are published when saving the Par Location Definition component to keep the POU supplier current with ongoing PeopleSoft Inventory par location definitions and item changes.