Setting Up PeopleSoft Installation Options for Taxware Enterprise

The Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Tax Provider Installation page provides the following options for Taxware Enterprise:

Note: To display options for Taxware Enterprise, Taxware must be chosen as the Tax Supplier on the Overall Installation Options page and Taxware Enterprise as the Taxware Tax Application on the Tax Provider Installation page.

Field or Control


Tax Supplier Call Options

Select whether taxes rules will be applied to individual lines or to an entire invoice. The options are:

  • Doc Level: apply tax rules to entire invoices.

  • Line Level: apply tax rules line-by-line.

The Doc Level option allows you to take advantage of invoice and multiline maximum tax rules in some jurisdictions, but when you choose the Doc Level option, returns and credits must be carried out by issuing a full invoice credit and re-bill.

The Line Level option allows more flexibility when issuing credits and returns, but prevents you from taking advantage of maximum tax rules at the invoice or multiline level. This option should be chosen when it is not an acceptable practice to issue a full invoice credit and re-bill when an individual line must be credited.

Tax Supplier Call – Payables

Select how tax rules are applied when sales and use tax liabilities are calculated in the Accounts Payable application. Tax rules on transactions from Purchasing are always applied line by line, regardless of the value in this field.

Tax Supplier Call – Sales

Select how tax calculation transactions from the Billing application are sent to Taxware. Transactions from Order Management that are fully paid at sales order entry time also use this value; otherwise, they will always be sent line by line.

Tax Supplier Upgrade Status

Displays the status of the process run when the tax supplier application is changed. The process updates the geocodes associated with addresses in PeopleSoft.

Message Node Name

Set to the node setup for the exchange of messages between the PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Taxware Enterprise. Typically, the node name is PSFT_TAX.

Tax Exemption Override Allowed

Allows tax exemption certificates to be maintained in PeopleSoft. If tax exemption overrides are not allowed, exemptions must be maintained within the Taxware application.