Processing Reset Rates

This topic discusses how to reset rates automatically.

Page Name

Definition Name


Automated Rate Resets Page


Run the Rate Reset Application Engine process (TR_RATERESET) to update deals that require a rate reset by business unit, reset date, reset index, and rate type values. This process accesses the Market Rates tables to determine the correct rate for calculations.

Use the Automated Rates Resets page (TRX_RTRESET_RUN) to run the Rate Reset Application Engine process (TR_RATERESET) to update deals that require a rate reset by business unit, reset date, reset index, and rate type values.

This process accesses the Market Rates tables to determine the correct rate for calculations.


Deal Management > Process Deals > Automated Rate Resets > Automated Rate Resets

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Automated Rate Resets page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Automated Rate Resets page

Field or Control


Business Unit

Enter a value. If you specify a business unit, then the process applies the rate reset to deals within that business unit. If no business unit is specified, then all deals that meet the date and rate type criteria are processed.

Reset Rate Index

Enter a reset index for this range of instruments, for example, LIBOR (London Interbank Offer Rate).

Rate Type

Select the type of rate that, combined with the market rate index, determines the price of the delivered contracts.

For the rate to be reset for any deal on a specified date, the rate index and rate type entered here must match the rate index and rate type of the original deal. The deal and subsequent cash flows are updated with the new rate for that date. The updated rate can also be viewed on the Interest and Payment Dates page. If necessary, the rate populated by the automated process can be overwritten on the Interest and Payment Dates page.