Setting Up ChartField Distributions for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

To set up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management ChartField distributions, use the Distribution Template (WM_DIST_TMPL) component.

This section provides an overview of ChartField distribution setup and discusses how to set up a distribution template and set up distribution template rules.

Page Name

Definition Name


Distribution Template Page


Define default ChartField values for Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing/PeopleSoft Payables, Expenses (labor only), and PeopleSoft Project Costing (tools) by work order business unit for actual transactions that are initiated via a work order.

Distribution Templates Defaulting Rules Page


Enables users to associate distribution templates with a combination of criteria, such as service group, work order type, asset location, asset type, and more.

PeopleSoft delivers financial identifiers referred to as ChartFields to group PeopleSoft Maintenance Management activities by their accounting treatments. Organizations must define ChartFields to account for and classify work order-related costs. Although work order ChartField distribution default values are set up prior to the creation of a work order, users can override them, if necessary, in the work order before the system passes them to the feeder systems, such as PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Expenses with other work order data. Once the system passes these ChartFields to the feeder systems, it inserts them into the transaction documents of the feeder system, and they are then sent to PeopleSoft Project Costing for financial cost tracking, cost capitalization, and cost recovery, including markup and discount, if appropriate. The need to pass along ChartField values to distribution lines in different feeder systems requires slightly different data element requirements for each specific product. For example, PeopleSoft Purchasing and Accounts Payable require the same active ChartFields, while PeopleSoft Inventory requires a transaction group and distribution type codes along with the active ChartFields.

Work in process (WIP) accounting is handled in PeopleSoft Project Costing only for work orders associated with PeopleSoft Project Costing managed projects and not for work orders associated with work order managed projects.

PeopleSoft Inventory only supports one ChartField distribution row for materials. The cost element in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is not part of this distribution row. For PeopleSoft Inventory stock items, there is always an Inventory distribution row even if the requested item is fully procured through PeopleSoft Purchasing. In this situation, distribution rows exist for both Inventory and PeopleSoft Purchasing in the Materials and Procurement distribution records, because all stock items eventually must have an issue transaction associated with them in order to decrease the PeopleSoft Inventory balance.

The accounting rules in PeopleSoft Project Costing handle the chargeback ChartField distribution setup for a work order business unit. To mark up or discount costs, the system books the costs to the work order organization then charges them to the recipient at the close of a WO task. Alternatively, you can override default ChartField values and charge the as-incurred costs (without discount or markup) directly to other organizations without having to process them via the accounting rules.

If PeopleSoft Maintenance Management integrates with PeopleSoft Expenses for the purpose of labor time entry, the system only allows one distribution row because the labor distribution data in PeopleSoft Expenses is embedded in the time entry structure. The distribution line is generated once you assign a resource to the work order task.

Important! You must set up the integrated modules that you know that you will be using to default distributions properly to the work order. If you do not use tools for a work order, then you do not need to define a value for PeopleSoft Project Costing. You also do not need to all the resource types in PeopleSoft Purchasing if you do not intend to associate or create purchase orders and vouchers with work orders.

Users create a distribution template in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management for a work order business unit, which contains the ChartField distributions and default values for integration with PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing/PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Expenses, and PeopleSoft Project Costing (for tools) using the Distribution Template component. Tool transactions are sent directly to PeopleSoft Project Costing based on the ChartField combinations that you determine at the task row level.

ChartField Distribution Template Rules

After setting up a distribution template, users can define distribution template rules based on the work order business unit, service group, work order type, asset type, asset subtype, asset business unit, asset ID, and asset location combinations. Users can use wildcards (%) to apply the same template across more than one work order type, service group, and asset location. The accounting default order is set up in the work order business unit, where you can sequence the service group, work order type, asset type, asset subtype, asset location, asset ID, and asset business unit to determine the weighting of each option listed. Defaulting can also occur at the shop level. Users can specify default ChartFields at the shop level that override ChartField defaults brought over from the distribution template. Only the fields that are populated at the shop level override the default values specified in the template. The system does not change any other default template field values.

Users can override the ChartField defaults up to the point that an inventory issue or requisition/purchase order is created and labor and tools usage actuals are entered. In other words, the ChartFields are established from the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management side from the moment that a transaction containing the distributions is generated in any of the feeder systems. However, the feeder systems can override these ChartField values. If the values are overridden in the feeder system, these changes will be sent back to the work order.

ChartField template selection is based on the work order business unit, shop, work order type, service group, asset type, asset subtype, asset business unit, asset id and asset location. The first three are identified on the work order header, the remaining four are identified on the different work order tasks. Generally the system triggers default ChartField distributions at the point of scheduling. If requirements or assignments are not required, then the default distribution occurs when the actuals are recorded.

If assignments are not used, the ChartField distribution line defaulting occurs when you add actual hours or units of measure for labor and tools usage. Entry or update of labor hours in the Technician Workbench populates actuals on the work order. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management looks up the correct default ChartField templates and populates the time record for data integration into PeopleSoft Project Costing. However, if only actuals are recorded, the default values of the distribution lines are directed into the feeder system transaction.

See Work Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies.

ChartField Combination Editing

Because other PeopleSoft products use and interface with ChartFields, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management supports combination editing based on transactions that originate from the work order. The groups that are attached to the GL business unit and the ledger group associated with the work order business unit are the combination groups that are used for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You can turn off combination editing at the work order business unit level. As long as you turn on combination editing at the work order business unit level, the system validates each row in the work order.

Important! Combination editing is not performed on the ChartField distributions for labor resources, because these ChartFields do not contain an account or alternate account.

Use the Distribution Template page (WM_DIST_TMPL) to define default ChartField values for Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing/PeopleSoft Payables, Expenses (labor only), and PeopleSoft Project Costing (tools) by work order business unit for actual transactions that are initiated via a work order.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Maintenance Management > Accounting Defaults > MM Distribution Template

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Distribution Template page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Distribution Template page

Integration Module

Set up a template for each product (PeopleSoft Inventory, Payables/PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Expenses), as well as a template for tools using the PeopleSoft Project Costing Integration Module.

Field or Control


Integration Module

Select either:

  • Inventory.

  • Payables/ Purchasing.

  • Expenses.

  • Project Costing, which is used for tools.

Resource Type

Select either Labor, Material, or Tools for the resource type.

Note: You can only select a Resource Type field when the Integration Module selected is Payables/Purchasing. For all other integration modules, this field is read-only.

Distribute By

Select to distribute to the distribution rows by Amount or Quantity.

Note: This field only displays if the integration module is Purchasing/Payables.

  • Typically, you enter a purchase order or requisition for labor by Amount and for materials by Quantity.

  • You enter inventory materials that are being purchased by Quantity.

  • You enter non-inventory materials that are being purchased by Quantity or Amount.

Distribution Type

Select an Inventory distribution type to associate with this Inventory transaction group.

Note: This field only displays if the integration module is PeopleSoft Inventory and is optional.

Distribution Lines

Configure the distribution lines for each integration module based on these rules:

  • For PeopleSoft Inventory:

    • Users can configure only one distribution line.

    • The PeopleSoft Inventory transaction group associated with the ChartField distribution is not shown on the page because PeopleSoft Inventory uses transaction group 231 exclusively for Maintenance Management. This is the default value for all PeopleSoft Inventory transactions related to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

    • Users cannot blank out the default fields that were set up in the PeopleSoft Inventory Accounting Rules Template.

  • For Payables/Purchasing:

    Users can enter multiple distribution lines and specify the percentage of costs or quantity to allocate to each row. Your choice of Quantity or Amount determines the default values that appear in the PeopleSoft Purchasing schedule row of the work order task. You can modify these values prior to staging the purchase order or requisition schedule row.

Use the Distribution Templates Defaulting Rules page (WM_DIST_TMPL_BY_BU) to enables users to associate distribution templates with a combination of criteria, such as service group, work order type, asset location, asset type, and more.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Maintenance Management > Accounting Defaults > MM Distribution Template Rules

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Distribution Templates Defaulting Rules page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Distribution Templates Defaulting Rules page

You can add multiple rows containing different values.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select a work order business unit for which you want to define these rules.

Note: The work order business unit that you select contains the accounting default order that applies to these rules.

Service Group

Select a service group value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all service group values.

Work Order Types

Select a work order type value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all work order type values.

Asset Type

Select an asset type value or leave it blank to represent all asset type values.

Asset Subtype

Select an asset subtype value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all asset subtype values.

AM Bus Unit (Asset Management business unit)

Select an AM business unit value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all AM business unit values.

Asset ID

Select an asset ID value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all asset ID values.


Select an asset location value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all asset location values.

Distribution Template

Select the distribution template that you want to associate with the previously selected values.

Note: When you enter multiple rows of values, the system weights each value. The row with the highest value determines the default ChartField distribution template that displays in the work order. For a given work order, only the values in the templates that match the values in the work order or have a wildcard in the field are selected as the default ChartFields for the templates in the work order.

For example, if a work order is created with a work order type of CAPT, and there are three defaulting distribution rules that contain respectively: (1) WO Type = CAPT; (2) WO Type = CM; (3) WO Type = %, then the only default rules that will apply to the distribution templates in the work order are (1) and (3).