Using the Capitalization Inquiry

This section discusses how to use the capitalization inquiry.

Page Name

Definition Name


Capitalization Search Page


Search for work orders with capitalization costs.

Capitalization - Summary Page


Review a summary of capitalization costs associated with work orders.

Capitalization - Detail Page


Displays the detail associated with a specific work order.

Use the Capitalization - Summary page (WM_CINQ_CAP_R1) to review a summary of capitalization costs associated with work orders.


Maintenance Management > Inquiries and Reports > Capitalization Inquiry > Summary

Capitalization Search

You can identify a specific asset ID to search for or enter search criteria based on a work order business unit, which includes all assets on a work order related to the work order business unit. You can also search by shop, Asset Management business unit, asset type, asset subtype, manufacturer ID, model, location, asset area ID, and work order closure date.


Depending on your search criteria, you can view the total amount for all assets to be capitalized, the actual total cost, and the associated details for that search criteria. For example, if you search by the work order business unit, the system displays all assets associated with that business unit and the sum of all capitalization costs and the actual total cost. Following these totals is a grid displaying the breakdown of the total amount to be capitalized and actual total cost by the asset business unit, asset type, asset subtype, and so on.

If you filter your search criteria by selecting an Asset Management business unit and asset ID, the system displays the total amount capitalized and the actual total cost for that specific asset ID, broken down by work order IDs and costs for each work order ID. This inquiry helps to identify the amount of capital work performed and the actual expenses for each shop and business unit.

Important! Select Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order Processing and run the Cost Summarization process after you run the Capitalization process in order for the amount to be capitalized values to appear on this inquiry.