Using the Work Progress Tracking Inquiry

These topics discuss how to track work progress.

Page Name

Definition Name


Work Progress Tracking Page


Review work order progress.

(Resource Name) Workbench


Search for and review work order tasks assigned to a specific technician.

Work Order Details


Displays the work order header and task details.



Review the details of the selected task in the work order.

Use the Work Progress Tracking page (WM_WOE_TWP) to review work order progress.


Maintenance Management > Inquiries and Reports > Work Progress Tracking

Field or Control


Task Search View

Select a view that you previously created to narrow your search for work order tasks that are behind schedule.


Click this button to access the Task Search page where you specify the criteria used to search for certain work order tasks. On this page, you can also select the basis date to determine whether tasks are considered behind schedule for the inquiry based on the scheduled start date (the task started late), scheduled end date (the task ended late), both or either of those dates. When you save this search page and name the view, it becomes available for selection in the Task Search View drop-down list. This eliminates the need to specify the search criteria multiple times.

See Work Order Workbench - Task Search Page.


When you click the Search button, a summary of the results of the search appear in the Results group box.

Field or Control



Displays the total number of work order tasks that were considered based on the search.


Click this link to access the Work Order Workbench and view a list of all the tasks returned by the search.

Total Behind Schedule

Displays the total number of the work order tasks in the list and that are thus behind schedule. Only those tasks that are behind schedule are listed.

Percent behind

Displays the percentage of the considered tasks that are behind schedule for the given search.

Tasks Behind Schedule

Lists the tasks that are behind schedule based on your search.

  • Select the Details tab to view work order ID, work order task number, the scheduled end date, the actual end date for the task, and the number of end days each task is behind.

    If the task has not ended, the actual end date is blank, and the end days behind is the difference between the scheduled end date and the current date. This same logic applies if you chose the scheduled start date as your basis date. In that case, the actual start date or current date is used in the days behind calculation.

    Click the Work Order ID link to display the Work Order Details page, which consists of the work order header details associated with the selected task, any work order header notes, and a list of all of the tasks that are associated with the work order. A description of each task, the task's status, and any asset information appears in the Task Details grid. The scheduled start and end dates and times of each task appears in Task Dates grid.

    You can also click the Task number link on in the Details grid to access the actual task in the Schedules page of the work order.

  • Select the Details 2 tab to view additional details about each task, including the shop ID, scheduler's name, specific asset information, and project information associated with the work order task.