Work Order Processing

This section discusses:

  • Work order execution.

  • Work order close.

  • Work order inquiries and reports.

There are two components in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management that you can use to enter data to complete a work order. These components are:

  • The Technician Workbench.

    This component enables technicians and authorized personnel to enter labor time, materials, tools and other actuals data that pertain to one or more work orders.

  • The Work Order Completion component.

    This component enables, typically supervisors, to enter labor time, materials, and tool usage actuals for the tasks associated with a single work order.

Work Order Task Completion Using the Technician Workbench

Technicians and authorized users can access the Technician Workbench to search for and view a list of all of their assigned work orders and tasks. The workbench, as described previously, provides detailed information about each task assigned to a specific technician. The technician can:

  • Change the status of one or more selected work order tasks.

  • Review the work order data and the task data, including required start and end dates and times, scheduled start and end dates, project information, supplemental data, and notes that are associated with the task.

  • Access the work order task, if authorized, where they can schedule resources and perform additional updates.

  • Enter the actual start and end dates and times of the task.

  • Classify the issue that caused the task by a problem group, problem, cause, and resolution.

In addition, links are available from the workbench, which include:

  • The capability to view the work order header details.

  • The capability to update the asset's offline status and enter a new asset location, area, and effective date.

  • Asset downtime entry.

  • Task note entry.

  • Supplemental data entry.

  • The capability to complete the pre-task and post-task checklist.

  • Service requests, which indicate the number of active service requests that are assigned to a specific technician and transfer the technician to the Service Request Inbox. Technicians can address the service requests to which they are assigned.

  • My Calendar, where technicians can view their assigned tasks on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

  • Time Entry, which enables technicians to enter the elapsed time or punched time that they took to perform the work order task, as well as personal (non-work order) time.

  • Materials, which enable the technicians to view a detailed list of all materials (inventory, floor stock, on-hand, and purchased) that are assigned to a work order task, see the delivery instructions for the material, and generate and print a PeopleSoft Inventory pick list.

    The technician can later enter the quantity of each item that is used to perform the work order task.

  • Tools Usage, which enables technicians to enter the actual start and end dates and times for each tool (asset) that they use to perform a work order task. Technicians can also enter unscheduled tools and their usage here.

  • Meter Reading, which enables the technicians to enter the current meter reading information for the asset that is being maintained or repaired.

    You can click an icon next to the Advanced Options link to access a user-driven Meter Reading Trend Chart and access the Meter Reading History table.

  • Procedures, which enable the technicians to view and complete the checklist, view the instructions, and view and print attachments that are associated with the work order task.

    The technician can also click a link to access the actual work order and work order task, where the technician can make modifications or changes to the task and the work order, if authorized to do so.

  • Causal Parts, which enables the technician to enter the parts that caused an equipment failure that resulted in the necessity of the work order task. This serves as additional reference information or you can use it when filing a warranty claim based on a work order task.

  • Report Crew Assignment Time, which enables a technician to report carryover hours, completed hours, and completed dates.

You can click a Mass Change button that enables you to update the selected work order tasks with actual completion dates and times and PCR (problem, cause, and resolution) codes.

You can also click a Print button that enables you to access the Work Order Task Detail Report page, from which you can print resource assignment reports and reference reports with a bar code.

Work Order Task Completion Using the Work Order Completion Component

The Work Order Completion component enables you to update completion data for the tasks associated with a single work order. The Work Order Completion component has many of the same capabilities as the Technician Workbench. The differences between using the Work Order Completion component rather than the Technician Workbench are:

  • You enter data for tasks associated with a single work order and it's tasks, rather than multiple work order tasks.

  • You must enter labor actuals using the Elapsed Time Entry method for each employee that worked on a task. When you submit these transactions, they are automatically staged for cost collection by Project Costing. The Technician Workbench requires that the transactions be staged separately by a batch process in Time and Expenses.

    Note: The system will prevent you from entering labor time entries for a task row in the Work Order Completion component if you have already entered them on the Technician Workbench. It will also prevent you from entering labor time entries on the Technician Workbench if you have already entered them on the Work Order Completion component.

  • You cannot enter actual data for crew scheduling on the Work Order Completion component.

  • The remaining fields and links are identical to the fields on the Technician Workbench.

For each task associated with the work order, you can:

  • Enter an actual start and end date and time.

  • Enter problem, cause, and resolution data.

  • Enter labor actuals.

  • Enter tools usage.

  • Enter materials used.

  • Causal parts.

  • Complete checklists.

  • Add notes.

  • Report asset downtime.

  • Enter supplemental data.

  • Perform mass changes of actual start and end dates and times and PCR codes for all of the work orders.

Once work order tasks are executed, the actual costs of labor transactions, materials issuances and returns to stock in PeopleSoft Inventory, procured items from PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Payables, and tool costs are collected and loaded to the PeopleSoft Project Costing system. You can indicate in the work order business unit or the work order type the grace period between when a work order task is marked complete and when it is closed.

These activities are performed when you close a work order task:

  • The costs for an asset that is associated with a work order task, along with asset downtime, are updated in the asset's Maintenance History in PeopleSoft Asset Management, and currency conversions are performed from the currency that is specified in the work order business unit.

  • For work order tasks that are associated with work order-managed projects, the capitalization limit rules that are set up in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are validated, and the capitalization information is updated in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

    Also, the retirement of an asset is validated in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and the retirement rules are updated in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

  • For chargeback costs for work order tasks that are associated with a work order-managed project, the chargeback information in the work order is validated and the work order transaction is priced in PeopleSoft Project Costing. The Pricing engine then sets the GL distribution status (GL_DISTRIB_STATUS) to hold until the work order task is closed in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Once the work order task is closed, the GL distribution status is set to costed so that the accounting engine can process each transaction row.

  • The Work Order Task Status History and the Work Order History are updated.

  • The Cost Summarization process is automatically run, which updates the actual costs in the Costs page of the work order.

Once all of the work order tasks are closed, the work order is automatically closed.

Several inquiries and reports are available in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. A brief description of each of these reports appears in the Reports troubleshooting. When you click the Print button in the Technician Workbench, you print the Work Order Task Detail report. You can also print this report from a run control page.

Additional reports include:

  • Warranty Claim report.

  • Preventive Maintenance report.

  • Preventive Maintenance by Process Instance report.

  • Preventive Maintenance Projection by Process Instance report.

  • Crew Availability report.

  • Crew Schedule (Assignment) report.

    This report provides the user an option to include detail at run time. The individual technician assignment is included when the Include Detail check box is selected.

  • Crew Carryover Work report.

  • Crew Unscheduled Work report.

  • Work Order Task Material Readiness report.

  • Schedule Maintenance Completion Report.

The inquiries include:

  • Asset Maintenance Cost Inquiry, which enables users to analyze work order and non-work order related asset maintenance costs at a summary and detail level for a selected time frame.

  • Asset Maintenance History inquiry, which displays the estimated versus the actual costs of maintaining an asset.

  • Work Order History inquiry, which displays a summary of the estimated versus the actual costs for each work order.

  • Work Progress Tracking inquiry, which displays a list of work order tasks that are behind schedule based on the scheduled start date, end date, or both and the percentage that are behind.

    You can set up search criteria, which you can save, to display a list of work order tasks that are behind schedule.

  • Purchasing and Pegging inquiry, which displays a list of purchase orders or requisitions that were created for a work order, along with the quantity pegged.

  • Chargeback inquiry, which displays the list of chargeback debit and credit totals for a work order business unit, shop, and GL business unit.

  • Capitalization inquiry, which displays the amount capitalized and the actual cost of maintaining an asset based on the work order business unit, shop, and work order type. This inquiry also lists the Asset Management business unit, the asset classifications, the work order ID, the capitalization amount, and the actual costs.

  • Crew Schedule inquiry, which enables users to search and view schedules across schedule periods, all future schedules for a given crew, and past schedules.

  • Crew Schedule Metrics, which enables schedulers to measure how well the crews comply with the schedule for the scheduling period and to determine a better target load percent, which is a target value that is used to reduce the expected availability of the crew to allow for unscheduled events, for future periods.

  • Crew Rescheduling Metrics component, which enables users to review the reasons for rescheduling crews. Users can update the rescheduling reason or add and update any comments.

  • Asset Downtime Review inquiry, which enables users to review the dates and reasons for the downtime of assets that are associated with a work order.

  • Failure Analysis inquiry, which provides users the capability to select, group and analyze stored failure tracking data for a variety of useful metrics.