Generating Strategic Sourcing Reports

This topic discusses how to generate Strategic Sourcing Reports.

Page Name

Definition Name


Cycle Time Analysis Page


Generate the Cycle Time Analysis (AUCCYCLE) report that includes the time calculations between key activities within the sourcing event life cycle.

Select Event Status Page


Select the specific event statuses to be included in the Cycle Time Analysis report.

Auction Summary Page


Generate the Auction Summary (AUCSUMM) report, which contains changes in price, total cost, and score across bids for each bidder associated with auction events.

Use the Cycle Time Analysis page (AUC_CYCL_TM_RPT) to generate the Cycle Time Analysis (AUCCYCLE) report that includes the time calculations between key activities within the sourcing event life cycle.


Sourcing > Reports > Cycle Time Analysis

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cycle Time Analysis page.

Cycle Time Reporting page

Report Request Parameters

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select a range of business units for the report.

Department and Entered By

Select values for these fields.

Select to include events with the following statuses

Field or Control


Only Awarded Events or Specify Event Status(es)

Select one of these options. If you select Specify Event Status, the Select link appears.

See Select Event Status Page.

Select to include events with the following event create dates

Field or Control


All Dates or Specify Date Range

Select one of these options.

From Date/Time and Thru Date/Time

If you select All Dates, these fields are unavailable. If you select Specify Date Range, enter specific dates and times for event create dates to be included in the report.

Select to include events with the following categories

Field or Control


All Categories and Specify Categories

Select one of these options. If you select Specify Categories, select an item or asset and a category code.

Use the Select Event Status page (AUC_SEL_EVT_STS) to select the specific event statuses to be included in the Cycle Time Analysis report.


Click the Select link on the Cycle Time Analysis page.

Select one or more of these statuses to be printed on the report:

  • Awarded

  • Open

  • Posted

  • Paused

  • Pending Post Approval

  • Pending Award

  • Inactive Version

Use the Auction Summary page (AUC_SUMMARY_RPT) to generate the Auction Summary report (AUCSUMM), which contains changes in price, total cost, and score across bids for each bidder associated with auction events.


Sourcing > Reports > Auction Summary

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Auction Summary page.

Auction Summary Report page

Field or Control


Auction Format

Select the type of auctions you want included in the report. Values are Both, Buy, and Sell.

Business Unit

Select a range of business units for the report.


(Optional) Select the department to further define the search criteria.

Entered By

(Optional) Select the name of the event creator.

Select to include events with the following event create dates

Field or Control


Event ID, Round, and Line

Select values for these fields to be included in the report.