Setting Up Discussion Forums

To set up discussion forums, use the Sourcing Forum Administration (AUC_FORUM_ADMIN) component.

This topic discusses how to set up discussion forums.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Forum Settings Page


Create and manage discussion forums. You also can set up forum user permissions.

Manage Forum Messages Page


View and delete message threads.

Manage Forum Settings Page

Forum User Lookup Page


Search for forum users.

Manage Forum Settings Page

Use the Manage Forum Settings page (AUC_FORUM_MGR) to create and manage discussion forums.

You also can set up forum user permissions.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Sourcing > Forum Administration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Forum Settings page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Manage Forum Settings page

To create permissions for a discussion forum user:

  1. (Optional) set this forum as the forum for which all event discussion threads are maintained by selecting the Default Event specific forum check box.

  2. Select a user type of Bidder, Customer, Role, User, or Supplier.

    If you want to assign permission for a group of users by role, select Role.

  3. Click Read Only to assign read permission to a user or role but not the ability to create messages.

  4. Click Block to prevent the user type from accessing the discussion forum.