Understanding Event Management

Manage events through a single page. You can view the status of events and the approval workflow associated with an event to see how bidding is progressing, and then process the award of the event.

Once posted, a created event's bidding begins on the specific start time. The event progresses through most of the following statuses:

  • Open: An event that has been saved but not posted or routed for collaboration.

  • Collaborating Event: An event that has been routed for internal collaboration.

  • Pending Post Approval: An event that is awaiting approval.

  • Pending Scheduled Review: An event that is awaiting an approval process review.

    This status occurs when approval workflow is set to scheduled.

  • Posted: An event that is approved; bidding is ongoing.

  • Event Completed: An event that has ended but for which the update event status process has not been run yet.

  • Pending Award: An event that is complete but that has not yet been awarded.

  • Collaborating Bid Analysis: An event that has been routed for internal collaboration on the received bids.

  • Awarded: An event that has been awarded and for which the status for all line items is Closed.

  • Not Awarded: An event that ended without the event being awarded.

    The status for all line items was manually set to Closed.

  • Canceled: An event that was canceled by the event creator.

For RFI events, the event statuses include:

  • Open: A newly created, not yet approved, event.

  • Collaborating Event: An event that has been routed for internal collaboration.

  • Pending Post Approval: An event that is posted for internal approval.

  • Posted: An approved event with bidding that's ongoing.

  • Posted/Event Ended: A completed and approved event that has not yet been reviewed.

  • Pending RFI Review: A completed event that is awaiting review.

  • Collaborating Bid Analysis: An event that has been routed for bid analysis collaboration.

  • RFI Reviewed: An event for which RFI responses have been reviewed.

  • Canceled: An event that was canceled by the event creator.

While the event is posted, you can invite new bidders and edit these details of the event:

  • Header comments and attachments.

  • Line comments and attachments.

  • Event extensions.

  • Reserve price.

The Update Event Status Application Engine process (AEAUCSTATCK) updates the status of an event from Posted to Pending Award (for auction and RFx events) or Pending RFI Review (for RFI events). You can schedule this process to run every five minutes; it checks to determine whether an event's end date has arrived. If it has, the event status is updated to Pending Award or Pending RFI Review.

This process is also used to notify event creators when the collaboration due date has passed and when an event has ended and is pending award.

You can maintain RFI events using the Event Workbench. You can search for events by the RFI event format, or the RFx event type. You also view the RFI cycle for RFI events on the Event History page.

You can use the Event Workbench to create and edit versions of multiversion events. When you are viewing a multiversion event in the Event Workbench, the system always displays the most recent version of the event.

If a bidder makes an error when posting a bid on an auction event or needs clarification on the auction event, the event creator can pause the event to either remove the erroneous bid or address the clarification.

You can pause an event any time while it is open for bidding. When an event is paused, the event creator can make changes to an event or elect to disallow a bid. Bidders can view a paused event and save a bid, but can't post a bid. Internal users can still enter bids on behalf of a bidder while an event is paused. If an auction is paused, the system notifies the invited bidders. The system notifies the bidders that bidding has resumed when the event is restarted.