Using Split Analysis Collaboration During Bid Analysis

This topic includes a discussion about using split analysis collaboration during bid analysis.

The same collaboration setup as event creation collaboration also applies for bid analysis collaboration, however, buyers or event creators invite collaborators and assign bid review sections through the Analyze Events component (AUC_ANALYZE_HD_CMP).

As with event collaboration, an assigned collaborator must check out the event from the Event Workbench page before they can make and submit updates on event and line bid factors. Only bid factors associated with the assigned Review Type are visible to a collaborator.

If a reviewer has been assigned to more than one review, the reviewer can select the review they wish to perform from the Review Type list.

When analysis collaboration is complete, the buyer/event creator can view the results of the split analysis review on the Analyze Total page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Event Workbench Page


Check out and check in events during split analysis collaboration.

See also Managing Events.

Analyze Total Page


Review each bidder's overall bid, score, and cost.

Analyze Line (bids by line item) Page


Review bid details for each line item.

Analyze Total Page

Bid Analysis Review Sections Page


Invite internal users to participate in event analysis using split analysis collaboration.

Use the Analyze Total page (AUC_ANALYZE_HD_PG ) and the Analyze Line page (AUC_ANALYZE_LN_PG) to enter updates, if you are an invited collaborator.

Event Status is Collaborating Bid Analysis.

The Total Event Score field represents the prorated score for only those bid factors the collaborator is allowed to see when in split analysis review. If Total Cost is enabled for the Review Group, then all calculations are based on those bid factors that are part of the Review Group only. If the Display Cost option is deselected for the review group on the new Bid Analysis Review Sections page, the Total Bid Cost, Total Header Cost, and Total Line Cost fields will not be displayed.

Use the Analyze Total page (AUC_ANALYZE_HD_PG) and the Analyze Line page (AUC_ANALYZE_LN_PG) to review collaborator input, if you are the buyer/event creator.

Event Status is Pending Award.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Analyze Total page showing collaborator input.

Analyze Total page, pending award after split analysis collaboration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Analyze Total page showing collaborator input.

Analyze Line page, pending award after split analysis collaboration