Adjusting Bills with VAT

You can add adjusted bill lines containing VAT information only to a new bill. The new bill contains an exact copy of the source bill header VAT with the exception of declaration date and declaration date source. VAT amounts for credit invoices and credit invoice lines are tracked, accounted for, and reported separately from VAT amounts that are related to regular invoices and invoice lines.

When you make bill adjustments, the system does not supply the declaration date. The system sets the declaration date source to invoice, except in cases in which the declaration point is set to payment. In this instance, the declaration date source is set to not applicable.

When you make adjustments to recurring bills, the system copies all new VAT values in BI_HDR_VAT exactly as they are entered on the template invoice. If the template invoice has a specific declaration date and declaration date source, these values are carried forward to the generated bill.

Note: You cannot modify or reset VAT default information on credit invoices and credit invoice lines.