Changing the Status of Bill Lines with GST

When a bill is changed online or in batch processing to ready for invoicing status, the system performs validations to ensure that the tax applicability, tax rate codes, and tax components were previously determined. The Finalization process requires that this information be present when it calculates the final taxes on the bill.

When a bill requires India tax processing (the business unit tax indicator value is 2), the following condition must be met to save a bill:

If the line is GST applicable and a tax rate code exists on the line, GST details must also exist on the BI_LINE_EXS_DTL for the tax rate code. You can enter the tax rate code manually and click the Refresh button to get the GST details, or click the Get Tax Defaults button on the Standard Billing - Line - India Tax Info page.

The following additional conditions must be met to change the status of a bill to ready:

  • If the excise invoice number (BI_LINE. EXD_INVOICE_NO) is not populated:

    • The tax applicable flag (BI_LINE. STX_APPL_FLG) must be populated.

      To populate the tax applicable flags, you can click the Get Tax Defaults button on the Standard Billing - Line - India Tax Info page.

    • If you set the tax applicable flag to yes, the tax defaults applied flag (BI_LINE. EXD_DFLTS_APPLIED) must also be set to yes.

      To populate the tax defaults applied flag, you can click the Get Tax Defaults button on the Standard Billing - Line - India Tax Info page.

    • If you set the tax applicable flag to yes, you must populate the tax transaction type (BI_LINE. EXS_TAX_TXN_TYPE).

      To populate the tax transaction type, you can manually enter the tax transaction type or click the Get Tax Defaults button that is on the Standard Billing - Line - India Tax Info page.

    • If the bill line is tax applicable and the default tax rate code is blank, the system displays a warning message. You can enter a tax rate code on the bill line or accept the blank value.

  • If the excise invoice number is populated, the system assumes that the line has all the tax information that is necessary for ready status.

    PeopleSoft Billing does not calculate taxes for these bill lines.

  • All bill lines that are tax applicable and are grouped on the same invoice must share the same tax authority code.

Note: Tax amounts are not calculated in bill entry. To review initial tax amounts for bills without an associated excise invoice number, calculate taxes on the Bill Summary page by clicking the Calculate Taxes button. You can also generate a pro forma invoice to review the calculated preliminary taxes.