Defining ChartField Reporting Options

To define ChartField reporting options, use the ChartField Report Options (FS_REPORT_CF_SETUP) component.

PeopleSoft Billing enables you to define the ChartFields that print and the order in which they appear on eligible Structured Query Report (SQR). You must set up the reporting options for the following SQRs:

  • BILDGL01

  • BIGLRT01

  • BISF108X

Note: Add eligible SQRs on the ChartField Report Options, Add a New Value page.

Important! You must set up ChartField reporting options before running the Load GL Accounting Entries process (BILDGL01). Without the ChartField reporting option information, the system cannot determine which ChartFields to include on the report.

Page Name

Definition Name


ChartField Report Options Page


Select the ChartFields and define the sequence order in which they appear on the corresponding report. Click the Refresh button to display all ChartFields and deselect all check boxes; click the Restore button to restore the previous selections.