Generating Recurring Bills

To generate recurring bills from templates, run the Generate Recurring Bills process (BIRECUR).

This topic discusses how to generate recurring bills.

Page Name

Definition Name


Generate Recurring Bills Page


Generate recurring bills.

Use the Generate Recurring Bills page (RUN_BI_RECURING) to generate recurring bills.


Billing > Maintain Bills > Create Recurring Bills

Range Selection

Field or Control



The system generates all of the recurring bills with a generate date that is less than or equal to the current date.

Bill Cycle

The system generates all of the recurring bills that are scheduled for the specified bill cycle with a generate date that is less than or equal to the current date.

Invoice ID

The system generates all of the recurring bills that fall within the specified range of the invoices with generate dates that are equal to or less than the current date.

Cust ID (customer identifier)

The system generates all of the recurring bills with a generate date that is equal to or less than the current date for the specified customer.

Note: To generate recurring bills, set the template bill status to RDY.

To view the results of the Generate Recurring Bills process, return to the Recurring Bill Schedule page. The Inv Generated check box is now set to Y (yes) for generated invoices, and the system logs a generation date. Generated recurring bills have a bill status of RDY, and you can invoice them immediately.

If you change a template's status to Cancel, the system does not generate any more recurring bills.

Note: The system does not generate invoices with a generate date that is greater than the current date. The system generates only recurring bills with a generate date that is equal to or less than the current date.