Grouping Invoices by CRM Transactions

This topic provides an overview of bill-by fields that PeopleSoft Billing requires when grouping invoices by PeopleSoft CRM transactions.

When integrating PeopleSoft CRM and Transaction Billing Processor with Billing, PeopleSoft recommends that you populate the following bill-by fields to enable the Billing Interface to group invoices according to PeopleSoft CRM-specific transactions (such as service order, case ID, and so forth).

Note: These fields are not available in bill entry, do not appear in bill inquiry, have no exposure in the 360-degree view, and do not appear on invoices. Depending on the invoice format you select, you can display this information on invoices using bill notes.





Service Order ID.

This is a 10-character field.


Field Service Business Unit.

Field Service Business Unit is a key for service orders.

This is a 5-character field.


Reference Number

Populate this field with any generic reference number, and use this field in conjunction with the SOURCE_REF_TYPE and SOURCE_REF_KEY fields.

This is a 35-character field.


Reference Key

Populate this field with any generic reference key. For example, you can populate this field with a business unit, set ID, or any other key value.

Use this field in conjunction with the SOURCE_REF_NO field.

This is a 5-character field.


Reference Type

Populate this field with any generic reference type that identifies the generic reference number (SOURCE_REF_NO). Initial translate values for this field are:

  • 001: CRM Agreement.

  • 002: CRM Case.

  • 003: CRM Order.

  • 004: CRM Service Order.

This is a 3-character field.

The following rules are used by the CRM products to populate these fields:

  • To pass an agreement number to PeopleSoft Billing, the system concatenates the agreement number and renewal number, and uses this value to populate the SOURCE_REF_NO field. The SOURCE_REF_KEY field is populated with the agreement set ID, and the SOURCE_REF_TYPE field is populated with the translate value for CRM Agreement.

  • To pass a case ID to PeopleSoft Billing, the system populates the SOURCE_REF_NO field with the case ID value, the SOURCE_REF_KEY field with the case business unit, and the SOURCE_REF_TYPE field with the translate value for CRM Case.

  • To pass an agreement number and a case ID to PeopleSoft Billing, the system populates the SOURCE_REF_NO field with the case ID value, the SOURCE_REF_KEY field with the case business unit, and the SOURCE_REF_TYPE field with the translate value for CRM Case. The agreement number is passed to Billing in an invoice note.

  • The PeopleSoft CRM Order Capture application populates the following fields:

    • SOURCE_REF_NO, with the order number.

    • SOURCE_REF_KEY field, with the order capture business unit.

    • SOURCE_REF_TYPE, with the translate value for the PeopleSoft CRM order.

  • To pass a service order to PeopleSoft Billing, the system uses the service order number to populate the SO_ID field, and the BUSINESS_UNIT_RF field with the service order number business unit. Additionally, the SOURCE_REF_NO field is populated with the service order number, the SOURCE_REF_KEY field with the field service business unit, and the SOURCE_REF_TYPE field with the translate value for CRM Service Order.

Note: Whenever the SOURCE_REF_NO field is populated in the Billing Interface, the SOURCE_REF_TYPE field must also be populated. Additionally, if there is no value for the SOURCE_REF_NO field, then the SOURCE_REF_TYPE and SOURCE_REF_KEY fields must be left blank as well.

Because PeopleSoft CRM can pass credit card transactions to PeopleSoft Billing, you should include Payment Method with the bill-by fields you use for PeopleSoft CRM.

Perform the following steps to define a bill-by to group individual PeopleSoft CRM transactions onto separate invoices (for example, one invoice for each service order, case or order, or agreement):

To define a bill-by to group individual PeopleSoft CRM transactions onto separate invoices:

  1. Navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill By Identifier.

    Enter the name of the Bill By in the Bill By ID field, and click the Add button to access the Bill By Identifier page.

  2. Select the Ready to Invoice option in the New Bill Status group box.

  3. Select the New option in the Add to Bills with Status group box.

  4. In the Bill By Fields grid area, include the following bill-by fields:




  5. If you are defining a bill-by for service orders, include the following bill-by fields in addition to those you added in step 4:

    • SO_ID


  6. Click Save.

  7. Navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Type.

    Click the Add tab, enter an identifier in the Bill Type field, and click the Add button to access the Bill Type 1 page.

    Note: Identify the bill type and bill source IDs by the PeopleSoft CRM transaction type. For example, name the PeopleSoft CRM-related bill types SERVICE, CASE, CRM_ORDER, and so forth.

  8. Select the bill-by identifier that you defined in step 1 in the Bill By Identifier field.

  9. Define values for the remaining fields in the Bill Type component, as appropriate, and click Save.

  10. Navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Source.

    Click the Add tab, enter an identifier in the Bill Source field, and click the Add button to access the Bill Source 1 page.

    Note: Identify the bill type and bill source IDs by the PeopleSoft CRM transaction type. For example, name the PeopleSoft CRM-related bill types SERVICE, CASE, CRM_ORDER, and so forth.

  11. Select the bill-by identifier that you defined in step 1 in the Bill By Identifier field.

  12. Define values for the remaining fields in the Bill Source component, as appropriate, and click Save.

To group PeopleSoft CRM transactions on one invoice per sold to customer (for example, if you want to include all service orders on one invoice), you must define a bill-by ID with the appropriate bill-by fields and associate that bill-by with a bill type and a bill source:

  1. Navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill By Identifier.

    Enter the name of the bill-by identifier in the Bill By ID field, and click the Add button to access the Bill By Identifier page.

  2. In the Bill By Fields grid area, select the SOURCE_REF_TYPE bill-by field.

    The SOURCE_REF_TYPE bill-by field is the only bill-by field required to enable multiple transactions of the same type (service orders, cases, orders, or agreement fees) to appear on one invoice for a bill-to customer.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Type.

    Click the Add tab, enter an identifier in the Bill Type field, and click the Add button to access the Bill Type 1 page.

    Note: Identify the bill type and bill source IDs by the PeopleSoft CRM transaction type. For example, name the PeopleSoft CRM-related bill types SERVICE, CASE, CRM_ORDER, and so forth.

  5. Select the bill-by identifier that you defined in step 1 in the Bill By Identifier field.

  6. Define values for the remaining fields in the Bill Type component, as appropriate, and click Save.

  7. Navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Source.

    Click the Add tab, enter an identifier in the Bill Source field, and click the Add button to access the Bill Source 1 page.

    Note: Identify the bill type and bill source IDs by the PeopleSoft CRM transaction type. For example, name the PeopleSoft CRM-related bill types SERVICE, CASE, CRM_ORDER, and so forth.

  8. Select the bill-by identifier that you defined in step 1 in the Bill By Identifier field.

  9. Define values for the remaining fields in the Bill Source component, as appropriate, and click Save.