Interpreting Bill Search Results

In the search results scroll area of the search pages, the number of rows is expressed in three numbers, X To Y Of Z, where Z is the total number of rows that meet the search criteria specified, and X and Y are the rows that appear in this query chunk.

Use the scroll bar to scroll through the rows of bill header data. Click the Next Chunk button to obtain the next chunk of data. You see the values for X and Y change accordingly, but Z stays constant until you change search parameters and rerun the query.

The invoice amount totals appear next to the number of selected rows. These are expressed as A/B, where B is the total dollar value of all invoice amounts that meet the search criteria, and A is the total dollar amount of the invoices that appear in the current chunk. When the set of results includes invoices with varying currencies, A/B does not appear. Instead, the system displays a mixed currencies message.

The first chunk of rows that appears when you run the search query is equal to the number of bills that you specify in the Bill Entry Max Rows field on the Installation Options - Billing - General Options page. You can change the sort order by clicking the respective column headings. The system does not invoke the query again; it resorts the rows in the current chunk. The dollar total of the chunk does not change when you change the sort order without re-invoking the query.

Note: If you resort a chunk of information, you must refresh the search to retrieve further chunks. The sort command invalidates related chunks.

Chartfield Security is enforced on the Bill Search components because of the Project ID field that is displayed in the search results. Therefore, if Project ID is a secured chartfield, a user may not see all the bills that match their search criteria in the search results. This is because the search results will filter out any invoices that reference a Project that the user is not secured to access.