Passing Identifiers to PeopleSoft Billing

The following table describes the identifiers that PeopleSoft CRM can pass to Billing:

Billing Identifier

IDENTIFIER_TBL Translate Value


Identifier VAT Group



Service (from the RF_SERVICE table).

Service Group (from the RF_SERVICE_TYPE table).

Note: PeopleSoft CRM applications refer to this identifier as Service Type.


Note: PeopleSoft CRM applications should pass products as identifiers to PeopleSoft Billing when products are sold (and not when products are serviced).



Product's VAT Group

Inventory Item


Inventory Item (from the MASTER_ITEM_TBL table).

Inventory Item Group (from the INV_ITEM_GROUP table).

Labor Type


Labor Type (from the RF_COST_CAT table)


Case Type

G (generic)

Generic Identifier. Pass case type in this field.


Expense Type

G (generic)

Generic Identifier. Pass expense type in this field.


Reason Code




Note: The ID (Billing charge code), D (discount), and S (surcharge) are the only values in the IDENTIFIER_TBL that are available for use in online bill entry.

PeopleSoft CRM applications must pass the identifier description in base language.

The Service field can contain up to 20 characters, and the Identifier field (IDENTIFIER) can contain up to 18 characters. In cases where PeopleSoft CRM applications need to pass a Service value that uses all 20 characters, the PeopleSoft CRM application passes the truncated value of the Service ID field to the Identifier field, and passes the full Service ID value into the Packing Slip Number (PACKSLIP_NO) field. PeopleSoft CRM applications must also pass the Service Group value to the VAT Product Group field, which the system sends to the VAT Defaulting common function. The VAT Defaulting common function uses the Service Group value to determine VAT defaults (the system does not use the Service ID value to determine VAT defaults).