Populating the INTFC_BI_AEDS Table

This topic provides an overview of the INTFC_BI_AEDS table and discusses how to populate the INTFC_BI_AEDS table.

The Billing Interface Accounting Entry and Discount/Surcharge table (INTFC_BI_AEDS) contains only AE, DDS and DS transactions. The following four attributes comprise the key to the INTFC_BI_AEDS table.



INTFC_ID (interface ID)

Represents a group or batch of billing activity, that is, a collection of billing activity that may be produced by a billing source system. For example, a system may generate a group or batch each night, while another may produce a group or batch for a certain kind of billing activity.

INTFC_LINE_NUM (interface line number)

With INTFC_ID, identifies the bill line charge on the INTFC_BI table to which this accounting entry, discount, or surcharge applies.

TRANS_TYPE_BI (transaction type billing)

Characterizes the type of data being stored. Options are:

  • AE (bill line accounting entry).

  • DS (bill line discount or surcharge).

  • DDS (bill line deferred discount or surcharge entry).

For each interface line number associated with an interface ID, there should be only one row of transaction type LINE in the INTFC_BI table. There can be multiple rows with transaction types containing AE, DS, or DDS values in the INTFC_BI_AEDS table.

When the contract liability feature is enabled, bill lines using revenue recognition basis other than INV (invoice date) must have contract liability ChartFields associated with the revenue ChartFields.

TRANS_TYPE_BI_SEQ (transaction type billing sequence)

The part of the key that provides uniqueness in the event that there are multiple AE, DS, or DDS transactions for a bill line charge.

For each bill line charge added as a bill line to the bill data structure, the Billing Interface table contains one row of data with a transaction type of LINE. For each bill line charge row with a transaction type of LINE, the Billing Interface Accounting Entry, Discount, and Surcharge table (INTFC_BI_AEDS) can contain accounting entries (AE), discounts or surcharges (DS), and discount or surcharge deferred accounting entries (DDS).

The following table demonstrates how to populate the INTFC_BI_AEDS table:

Field Number

Field Name





INTFC_ID (interface ID)

Required. Used to group or batch a collection of Billing interface activity.

Required. Used to group or batch a collection of Billing interface activity.

Required. Used to group or batch a collection of Billing interface activity.


INTFC_LINE_NUM (interface line number)

Required. Each unique interface line number for an interface ID represents a separate bill line charge.

Required. Each unique interface line number for an interface ID represents a separate bill line charge.

Required. Each unique interface line number for an interface ID represents a separate bill line charge.


TRANS_TYPE_BI (transaction type)

Required. Value must be AE.

Required. Value must be DS.

Required. Value must be DDS.


TRANS_TYPE_BI_SEQ (transaction type sequence)

Warning! Cannot exceed three digits

Required. If more than one accounting entry is populated for a particular LINE transaction, the transaction type sequence must be used for uniqueness.

Required. If more than one discount or surcharge is populated for a particular LINE transaction, the transaction type sequence must be used for uniqueness.

Required. If more than one discount or surcharge is populated for a particular LINE transaction, the transaction type sequence must be used for uniqueness.

DDS rows have a one-to-one relationship with DS rows.



Required. Must be AR for AR offset entries, RR for regular revenue entries, CL for contract liability, IP for InterUnit payables, IE for InterUnit expenses, ST for statistical entry, and CA for contract asset.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.


LOAD_STATUS_BI (load status)

Optional. May initialize to NEW or leave blank.

Optional. May initialize to NEW or leave blank.

Optional. May initialize to NEW or leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.


BUSINESS_UNIT (billing business unit)**

Required. Must be a valid billing business unit.

Required. Must be a valid billing business unit.

Required. Must be a valid billing business unit.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.


DST_ID (distribution code)

Optional. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Defaults from discount, surcharge ID (DISC_SUR_ID) if DISC_SUR_ID is provided.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Optional. Appears by default from the discount surcharge line's distribution ID. Must be present if no ACCOUNT is provided.


DISC_SUR_LVL (discount, surcharge level)

Leave blank.

Optional. Defaults to 1 if less than one. If the charge line has more than one level of discount or surcharge, you must provide unique values for each discount surcharge level.

Optional. Defaults to 1 if less than one. If the charge line has more than one level of discount or surcharge, you must provide unique values for each discount surcharge level.


DISC_SUR_INDICATOR (discount or surcharge indicator)

Leave blank.

Optional. Values are: D (discount), S (surcharge). Defaults to D if left blank.

Leave blank.


DISC_SUR_ID (discount or surcharge identifier)

Leave blank.





Leave blank.

If not populated, the system obtains a default value from the Discount & Surcharge table.

For PeopleSoft application systems, use base language description, if populated.

Leave blank.


AMOUNT (accounting entry amount)

Required. Sum of accounting entry amounts for a particular LINE transaction must equal GROSS_EXTENDED_AMT on the LINE transaction.

Optional. Appears by default from the value that is associated with the discount or surcharge ID (DISC_SUR_ID) if DISC_SUR_ID is provided.

Leave blank.


PERCENTAGE (discount or surcharge percentage)

Required. Accounting entry percent. Sum of accounting entry percents for a particular LINE transaction must equal 100 percent.

Optional. Appears by default from the value that is associated with the discount or surcharge ID (DIS_SUR_ID) if DISC_SUR_ID is provided.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.

** - Required for determining India GST using Billing Interface.

Fields 25 through 46 describe ChartFields as they are initially delivered in the system. By using ChartField configuration, you can define the ChartFields differently. The behavior described here provides general reference for how ChartFields are handled in this context.

Configurable ChartFields can be fully configurable (identified below by F), partially configurable (identified below by P), or affiliate ChartFields (identified below by A).

Note: If you selected the Customer Supplier Affiliate option (BUS_UNIT_TBL_GL.CUST_VNDR_AFFILIATE = Y) on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page, the system ignores any affiliate values that you provide to the Billing interface tables when creating bills. In this scenario, the system automatically populates affiliate fields by using default values.

The following table demonstrates how to populate the INTFC_BI_AEDS table:

Field Number

Field Name






Required unless appearing by default from DST_ID. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided.

Required unless appearing by default from DST_ID. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided.

Required unless appearing by default from DST_ID. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided.

Required unless appearing by default from DST_ID_DFR. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided.


DEPTID (department) (P)

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.


CLASS_FLD (class field) (F)

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.


BUDGET_REF (budget reference) (F)

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.



Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID if DST_ID is provided. Must be valid if provided.

Optional. Appears by default from DST_ID_DFR if DST_ID_DFR is provided. Must be valid if provided.




Leave blank.

Leave blank.


BUDGET_DT (budget date)


Leave blank.

Leave blank.


PPRC_PROMO_CD (promotion code)

Leave blank.


Leave blank.


MERCH_TYPE (merchant type)

Leave blank.


Leave blank.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Required when ChartFields reference an open item. Must correspond to a record on the OPEN_ITEM_GL table.

Required when ChartFields reference an open item. Must correspond to a record on the OPEN_ITEM_GL table.

Required when ChartFields reference an open item. Must correspond to a record on the OPEN_ITEM_GL table.



Optional. If provided, must correspond to a record on the JRNL_LINE table.

Optional. If provided, must correspond to a record on the JRNL_LINE table.

Optional. If provided, must correspond to a record on the JRNL_LINE table.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.



Required for accurate reporting purposes and for taking advantage of interface workflow function.

Required for accurate reporting purposes and for taking advantage of interface workflow function.

Required for accurate reporting purposes and for taking advantage of interface workflow function.



Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Leave blank.

Note: When a feeder system passes the DST_ID (distribution code) and an account value, the system ignores the account and the ChartField data on the INTFC_BI_AEDS table. It will use the default values from the DST_ID setup obtained from subsequent accounting processing (the Pre-Load process, the Load GL process, and the Load AR process). To preserve the feeder system ChartField information on the invoice and on the accounting entries, feeder systems must pass only the account value.