Preparing to Generate India GST Accounting Entries

The PeopleSoft Billing Pre-Load process (BIPRELD) creates accounting entry staging rows in the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table for GST information, to be picked up by the Load GL process (BILDGL01) and the Load AR process (BILDAR01) when PeopleSoft Billing creates accounting entries. The Pre-Load process inserts one GST Interstate tax distribution row (IGST) for each Interstate tax component detail row that is on the BI_LINE_EXS_DTL table. The Pre-Load process inserts two GST Intrastate tax distribution row (CGST, SGST) for each Intrastate tax component detail row that is on the BI_LINE_EXS_DTL table. The Pre-Load process obtains ChartField values for the excise accounting entries from the tax location definition, and obtains ChartField values for GST accounting entries from the tax component code definition. If PeopleSoft Billing does not create accounting entries, the Pre-Load process does not create any entries in the BI_ACCT_LN_STG for any bills.

Note: PeopleSoft Billing performs ChartField inheritance processing for GST accounting entries.