Processing India GST E-Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name


India GST E-Invoicing Process Page


Process India GST E-Invoices

Use the India GST E-Invoicing Process page (BI_GST_EINV_RUN) to process India GST E-Invoices.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Utilities > India GST > India GST E-Invoicing

Field or Control


Inbound (or) Outbound

Select an option that determines the direction of the process.

When you select Inbound, the system creates a file to read the IRP file, IRP date and QR code.

When you select Outbound, the system creates a CVS file.

File Name

Enter a file name for import or export.

Important! For inbound transactions, enter “*” if all files in the file path need to be processed.

Archived Directory

This field is only available when you select the Inbound radio button.

When this field is specified (a directory entered), then when the Inbound file is read, it is archived to the specified directory.

When this field is not specified (the field is blank), then when the inbound file is read, it is note archived.