Reviewing Bill Search Results

The page that displays the search results is determined by the type of query, either bill or bill line, that you initiate.

Use the Bills Not Invoiced page (BI_BILL_SEARCH) to search the system for any bill not invoiced that satisfies a unique set of parameters that you provide.


Billing > Locate Bills > Bills Not Invoiced

Field or Control



Select one check box at a time to activate the links at the bottom of this page. Use these links to navigate to the bill that you select. Depending on the link that you click, the system transfers you to the appropriate bill entry page.

To reprint invoices, select one or multiple bills and click the Reprint Invoices button.

Note: When you navigate to the selected bill, the system displays the bill in the transaction currency even if you were searching in base or euro currency mode.

Template Invoice Flag

Indicates if it is an actual bill or merely a template.

Invoice Amount

Includes all calculated taxes. The invoice amounts and currency codes correspond to the currency that you select in the Bill Search Criteria page. Changing the currency on this page changes the values in the Invoice Amount column and the corresponding currency code.

Use the Lines Not Invoiced page (BI_LINE_SEARCH) to search the system for any bill line not yet invoiced that satisfies a unique set of parameters that you provide.


Billing > Locate Bills > Lines Not Invoiced

Field or Control



Select one check box at a time to activate the links at the bottom of this page. Use these links to navigate to the selected bill. Depending on the link that you click, the system displays the appropriate page in bill entry.

Note: When you navigate to the selected bill, the system displays the bill in the transaction currency, even if you were searching in base or euro currency mode.


Indicates the order of the bill line when it is printed on the document. If the bill has been through the Pro Forma Pre-process or the invoice Finalization process, the system assigned a line number to it.

Seq (sequence)

The natural order in which the system adds the lines onto the bill. A bill line always has a sequence number regardless of whether it has been printed, prepared, or finalized. If the system added lines through the Billing Interface, the sequence number of each line is unique, but order may not be significant.

Description and Identifier

Displays the description field and the identifier code field from the bill line record.

Gross Extended or Net Extended Amt (net extended amount)

Displays the gross extended amount, which is the unit price multiplied by the quantity, or the net extended amount, which includes any discounts or surcharges that are applied.

Discount, Surcharge, Tax Amountand VAT Amount

An asterisk in any of these columns indicates that this line has a discount, surcharge, or tax code associated with it.